"Microsystems for nano-bio sensing" Prof Takahito Ono (Tohoku University)


2013年1月29日 (火) 11:30 12:30


D015, Lab 1


We look forward to seeing many of you.
Speaker: Takahito Ono, Dr. Eng.
Department of Mechanical Systems and Design
Graduate University of Engineering
Tohoku University
Title: Microsystems for nano-bio sensing
Microsystems for various sensing applications have been developed by micro/nanofabrication technology.  In this talk, some of them for biological and physical sensing will be presented.   Micro/nano resonant sensors can be applied to mass sensors, chemical sensors, force sensors and thermal sensors. The principle relies on the frequency variation due to force, temperature change, and mass addition etc. The sensitivity depends on the resonant frequency, spring constant, and quality factor. The quality factor can be enhanced by surface treatment of the resonator, as the result, quite sensitive sensor can be obtained. Using this resonator, pico Joule heat sensor is developed. Heat is conducted from the cell in microchannel to the resonator via a Si heat guide. In order to reduce the heat loss, the resonator is placed in a micro vacuum chamber.  Heat detection from a single brown fat cell has been demonstrated.  Another application of the resonator is MRFM (magnetic resonance force microscopy). Using the resonator, three-dimensional imaging of radicals has been demonstrated. Also another application and the Microsystems for nano-sensing will be presented.
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