On Campus Housing Application Form

Important Note

  • This website is exclusively for Faculty and Executive on-campus housing applications.
  • If you are assigned to OIST in another category, please first consult the Relocation Section for guidance.
  • Currently, all types of rooms on campus are fully occupied.
  • Rooms will be offered in the order of application once vacancies arise. We appreciate your understanding. Please see Faculty Housing Waiting List Rule here


  • このサイトは、ファカルティ及びエグゼクティブがオンキャンパスの部屋の申し込みを行うサイトです。その他のカテゴリで入校された方は、先ず、リロケーションセクションのガイダンスに従ってください。
  • 現在、オンキャンパスのお部屋はすべてのタイプで満室です。空き部屋が確保でき次第、お申し込みいただいた順に、部屋をご案内します。ご協力ご理解の程宜しくお願い申し上げますファカルティハウスのWaiting Listのルールはこちら
1 スタート 2 完了
Please put Shift and click to select more than one. +S = +Study Room, +B = +Balcony
If you do not have an employee number yet, please enter "TBD".
eg. Wife, 5 years old son and 4 years old daughter
OIST has bylaws for keeping pet. Please note that there is a limit to the number of animals that can be kept. https://groups.oist.jp/sites/default/files/imce/u349/PetBylaws_%E3%83%9A%E3%83%83%E3%83%88%E9%A3%BC%E8%82%B2%E7%B4%B0%E5%89%87_2022%E5%B9%B44%E6%9C%881%E6%97%A5%E6%96%BD%E8%A1%8C_0.pdf