
Peer Reviewed Publications 2015-Present

*-indicated open access


Chauhan, A.N, Kani, A., Twamley, J.
Enhancing Macroscopic Multi-mode Entanglement through Many-body Interactions in Cavity Magnomechanics*,
Phys Rev A, XX (2025)
Supplementary Figs: weak_multi strong_multi ultra_strong_multi unresolved_multi

Kani, A, Hatifi, M, Twamley, J.
Squeezed microwave and magnonic frequency combs*,
APL Quantum 2, 016112 (2025)

Tian, S.,  Jadeja, K., Kim, D., Hodges, A., Hermosa, G. C.,  Cusicanqui, C.,  Lecamwasam, R., Downes, J. E.,  Twamley, J.
Feedback cooling of an insulating high-Q diamagnetically levitated plate*,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 124002 (2024)

Gu, CY., Qin, JY., Guccione, G., MA, JY., Lecamwasam, R., Lam, PK.
Modeling photothermal effects in high power optical resonators used for coherent levitation*,
New J. Phys. 25 123051 (2023)

Liu, Y., Munro, WJ., Twamley, J.
A quantum ticking self-oscillator using delayed feedback*
New J. Phys. 25, 123032 (2023)

Lu, Y., Kundra, M., Hillmann, T., Yang, JY., Li, HX., Quijandria, F., Delsing, P.
Resolving Fock states near the Kerr-free point of a superconducting resonator*
NJP Quantum Info 9, 114 (2023)

Ahmed, S., Quijandria, F., Kockum, AF.
Gradient-Descent Quantum Process Tomography by Learning Kraus Operators*
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 150402 (2023)

Jolin, SW., Andersson, G., Hernandez, JCR., Strandberg, I., Quikandria, F., Aumentado, J., Borgani, R., Tholen, MO., Haviland, DB.
Multipartite Entanglement in a Microwave Frequency Comb*
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 120601 (2023)

Romagnoli, P., Lecamwasam, R., Tian, S., Downes, JE., Twamley, J.
Controlling the motional quality factor of a diamagnetically levitated graphite plate*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 094102 (2023)

Chen, X., Lu, XJ., Liu, Y. Kuang, S.
Comparison of differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization, and quantum evolutionary algorithm for preparation of quantum states
Chinese Phys B, 32 020202 (2023)

Hillmann, T., Quijandria, F.
Quantum error correction with dissipatively stabilized squeezed-cat qubits*
Phys Rev A 107, 032423 (2023)

Kani, A., Quijandria, F. and Twamley, J.
Magnonic Einstein–de Haas Effect: Ultrafast Rotation of Magnonic Microspheres*
Phys Rev Lett 129, 257201 (2022)

Sarma,B., Borah, S., Kani, A., and Twamley J.
Accelerated motional cooling with deep reinforcement learning*
Phys. Rev. Research 4, L042038 (2022)

Liu, Y.,  Dong, D., Petersen, IR.,  Gao, Q., Ding, SX., Yokoyama, S., and Yonezawa, H.
Fault-Tolerant Coherent H∞ Control for Linear Quantum Systems

Qin, JY, Guccione, G, Ma, JY, Gu, CY Lecamwasam, R, Buchler, B Lam, PK,
Cancellation of photothermally induced instability in an optical resonator*
Optica 9, 924 (2022)

Borah, S., Sarma, B., Kewming, M., Quijandría, F.,  Milburn, G.J. and Twamley, J.
Measurement-based estimator scheme for continuous quantum error correction*
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033207 (2022)

Li, G., Liu, Y., Kuang, S., and Xiang, C.
Approximate bang-bang control assisted rapid switching feedback stabilization for stochastic qubit systems
 J. Franklin Inst. 359, 2073 (2022).

Kani, A., Sarma, B. and Twamley, J.
Intensive Cavity-Magnomechanical cooling of a levitated macromagnet*
Phys Rev Lett 128, 013602 (2022)

Kuang, S., Li, G., Liu, Y., Cong, S.
Rapid Feedback Stabilization of Quantum Systems with Application to Preparation of Multiqubit Entangled States
IEEE Trans on Cybernetics 52, 2168 (2022)

Mukherjeea, S.,  Sharmaa, D., Sharmaa, A.K.,  Jaiswala, S., Sharmaa, N.,  Borah, S.,  Kaur, G.
Flavan-based phytoconstituents inhibit Mpro, a SARS-COV-2 molecular target in silico
J. BioMol Struct and Dyn, 40 11545 (2022)

Borah, S., Sarma, B., Kewming, M., Milburn, G.J. and Twamley, J.
Measurement-based feedback quantum control with deep reinforcement learning for a double-well nonlinear potential*
Phys Rev Lett 127, 190403 (2021)

Sarma, B., Busch, T. and Twamley, J.
Cavity magnomechanical storage and retrieval of quantum states*
New J Physics 23, 043041 (2021)

Khalique, A., Sett, A., Wang, J. and Twamley, J.
Controlled information transfer in continuous-time chiral quantum walks*
New J. Physics 23, 083005 (2021)

Johnsson, M.T., Poggi, P.M., Rodriguez, M.A., Alexander, R.N., and Twamley, J.
Generating nonlinearities from conditional linear operations, squeezing, and measurement for quantum computation and super-Heisenberg sensing*
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023222 (2021).

Sarma, B., Busch, T. & Twamley, J.
Optomechanical cooling by STIRAP-assisted energy transfer: an alternative route towards the mechanical ground state*
New J. Phys. 22, 103043 (2020).

Dolan, B. P., Hunter-McCabe, A. & Twamley, J.
Shaking photons from the vacuum: Acceleration radiation from vibrating atoms*
New J. Phys. 22, (2020).

Häußler, S. et al.
Diamond photonics platform based on silicon vacancy centers in a single-crystal diamond membrane and a fiber cavity.
Phys. Rev. B 99, (2019).

O’Brien, M. C., Dunn, S., Downes, J. E. & Twamley, J.
Magneto-mechanical trapping of micro-diamonds at low pressures.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, (2019).

Lai, Y.-Y., Lin, G.-D., Twamley, J. & Goan, H.-S.
Single-nitrogen-vacancy-center quantum memory for a superconducting flux qubit mediated by a ferromagnet.
Phys. Rev. A 97, 052303 (2018).

de Lacy, K., Noakes, L., Twamley, J. & Wang, J. B.
Controlled quantum search.
Quantum Inf. Process. 17, 266 (2018).

Xia, K., Jelezko, F. & Twamley, J.
Quantum routing of single optical photons with a superconducting flux qubit.
Phys. Rev. A 97, 052315 (2018).

Baragiola, B. Q. & Twamley, J.
Generating nonclassical states of motion using spontaneous emission.
New J. Phys. 20, 073029 (2018).

Romero-Sánchez, E., Bowen, W. P., Vanner, M. R., Xia, K. & Twamley, J.
Quantum magnetomechanics: Towards the ultrastrong coupling regime.
Phys. Rev. B 97, 024109 (2018).

Mikkelsen, M., Fogarty, T., Twamley, J. & Busch, T.
Optomechanics with a position-modulated Kerr-type nonlinear coupling.
Phys. Rev. A 96, 043832 (2017).

Kern, M. et al.
Optical cryocooling of diamond.
Phys. Rev. B 95, 235306 (2017).

Javaherian, C. & Twamley, J.
Non-reciprocal energy transport in linear and ring dynamic quantum networks and width-patterned optical waveguide arrays.
Opt. Express 25, 25970 (2017).

Barnett, S. M. et al.
Journeys from quantum optics to quantum technology.
Prog. Quantum Electron. 54, 19–45 (2017).

Bian, Z.-H., Li, J., Zhan, X., Twamley, J. & Xue, P.
Experimental implementation of a quantum walk on a circle with single photons.
Phys. Rev. A 95, 052338 (2017).

Johnsson, M. T., Brennen, G. K. & Twamley, J.
Macroscopic superpositions and gravimetry with quantum magnetomechanics.
Sci. Rep. 6, 37495 (2016).

Xia, K. & Twamley, J.
Generating spin squeezing states and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement using a hybrid phonon-spin ensemble in diamond.
Phys. Rev. B 94, 205118 (2016).

Xia, K., Johnsson, M., Knight, P. L. & Twamley, J.
Cavity-Free Scheme for Nondestructive Detection of a Single Optical Photon.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 023601 (2016).

Feng, M. et al.
Exploring the quantum critical behaviour in a driven Tavis–Cummings circuit.
Nat. Commun. 6, 7111 (2015).

Xia, K. & Twamley, J.
Solid-state optical interconnect between distant superconducting quantum chips.
Phys. Rev. A 91, 042307 (2015).

Lombardo, D. & Twamley, J.
Optical-Coupling of distant spins via collective enhancement in multi-mode whispering gallery resonators.
Opt. Express 23, 2945 (2015).

Xia, K., Zhao, N. & Twamley, J.
Detection of a weak magnetic field via cavity-enhanced Faraday rotation.
Phys. Rev. A 92, 043409 (2015).

Javaherian, C. & Twamley, J.
Platonic quantum networks as coherence-assisted switches in perfect and imperfect situations.
J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 48, 235104 (2015).

Myers, C. R., Milburn, G. J. & Twamley, J.
Vibrationally assisted quantum energy pumps.
New J. Phys. 17, 093030 (2015).

Lombardo, D. & Twamley, J.
Deterministic Creation of Macroscopic Cat States.
Sci. Rep. 5, 13884 (2015).

Chesi, S., Wang, Y.-D. & Twamley, J.
Diabolical points in multi-scatterer optomechanical systems.
Sci. Rep. 5, (2015).

Camilleri, E., Rohde, P. P. & Twamley, J.
Quantum walks with tuneable self-avoidance in one dimension.
Sci. Rep. 4, 4791 (2015).

Xia, K., Vanner, M. R. & Twamley, J.
An opto-magneto-mechanical quantum interface between distant superconducting qubits.
Sci. Rep. 4, 5571 (2015).