First RUT Networking Lunch 2019



C209 Center Building


The theme for the first Networking Lunch is A Technician's Role in Publication. We have three speakers who have kindly agreed to talk about work they published while being a technician at OIST and elsewhere, how they got involved, and their contribution to the publication in general. 

The speakers will be: 


Andrew Liu - Neurobiology

Julia Janicki - Development, GIS and Remote Sensing for Conservation

Kirk Sato - Marine Ecology 

The aim of these RUT Networking Lunches will be to introduce new technicians to their peers at OIST and promote research community building. This year we are also aiming for a professional development focus, where we will be inviting more experienced technicians/researchers to talk about their career path and research. 


Please bring your own lunch and come join us for some interesting discussion on Publication. And remember to bring any new technicians in your unit! 

We look forward to seeing you there! 

Crystal, Kim and Anna 

(on behalf of the ORC) 

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