Art Exhibition: Science of Bashofu - Scientific Analysis and the Wisdom of our Forefathers 芭蕉布の科学ー先人の知恵と科学的分析



Tunnel Gallery


In the hot and humid Okinawa summers of long ago, Bashofu, a fabric made from the banana plant “Itobasho” was indispensable.Now, the reasons for this are about to be revealed.
Folk artists have long noted the qualities of this material, saying “an exquisite fabric such as this is very rare”.
Now in 2018, scientists are starting to agree that Bashofu is a unique and intriguing fabric.
We invite you to see for yourself, at the OIST Bashofu Event.

Exhibition: 8/27 - 9/22

Special Events on 9/22 (Sat):

1. Symposium (Japanese only) : 10:00 - 12:35 at B250, Level B, Center Buildig

2. Spcial Tour to the Electron Microscope Room: 14:00 - 15:00 (Please directly come to the lobby of B250, Level B, Center Building at 14:00)

3. Bashofu Thread Making Workshop: 14:00 - 16:00 in C210, Level C, Center Building (15 people can participate. Reservation starts on 8/6 Monday at 10:00AM at




会期:8/27 - 9/22


1. シンポジウム(日本語のみ):10:00-12:35、センター棟B階B250 セミナールーム

2.電子顕微鏡室ツアー 14:00 - 15:00、センター棟B階B250 セミナールーム受付に集合してください。

3.芭蕉糸作り体験(定員15名、要予約):14:00 - 15:00  / 8月6日(月)午前10時から受付開始 予約サイト:

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