Past Events

The three-body problem from Newton to gravitational waves

2020年9月14日 (月) 13:30 15:30
Lab4 E01

Title: The three-body problem from Newton to gravitational waves

Speaker: Dr. Alessandro Alberto Trani


The gravitational few-body problem is one of the oldest conundrums in astronomy and classical mechanics. Yet, its simplest instance, the three-body problem, has no general analytical solution and only a partial statistical solution has been achieved so far. With the birth of gravitational wave astronomy and the rise in exoplanet discoveries, the three-body problem is again becoming central to explaining astrophysical phenomena.

I will first describe our recent efforts in deriving a complete statistical solution to the non-hierarchical, chaotic three-body problem. I will then review the status of gravitational wave detections and our current understanding of their origin, and show how three-body interactions play a key role in several formation pathways of gravitational wave events. 

Theoretical Physics Seminar: Karol Gietka

2020年8月7日 (金) 14:00
Lab 4, E01

Theoretical Physics Seminar.
Speaker: Karol Gietka (Quantum Systems).
Title: "Quantum Simulators in Other Frames of Reference"

QG Group meeting: D-branes of higher-spin gravity?

2020年7月20日 (月) 14:00
Lab 4, E01

QG group meeting.
Speaker: Yasha Neiman.
Title: "D-branes of higher-spin gravity?"

Theoretical Physics Seminar: Matthias Gohlke

2020年7月10日 (金) 13:30
Lab 4, E01

Theoretical Physics Seminar.
Speaker: Matthias Gohlke (Quantum what's the Matter).
Title: "Kitaev's honeycomb model: an exactly solvable quantum spin liquid"

Group Meeting Talk: Current Algebras and Celestial CFT Correlators

2020年7月6日 (月) 14:00 16:00
Lab4 E01

Title: Current Algebras and Celestial CFT Correlators

Speaker: Sudip Ghosh

Abstract: I will discuss the construction of a SL(2,C) current algebra using the subleading soft graviton theorem and the constraints imposed by this current algebra via null state relations on the spectrum of the putative CFT dual of Einstein gravity in (3+1)-d asymptotically flat spacetimes.

Theoretical Physics Seminar: 'Hannes Schoenke

2020年6月26日 (金) 14:00
Lab 4, E01

Theoretical Physics Seminar.
Speaker: 'Hannes Schoenke (Mathematics, Mechanics, Materials, and other aspects of M Theory).
Title: "A glimpse into the beauty of algebraic geometry (examples included!)"

Group Meeting Talk: Large N Phase Transitions and Small AdS-Schwarzschild Black Holes

2020年6月22日 (月) 15:30 17:00
Lab4 E01

Large N Phase Transitions and Small AdS-Schwarzschild Black Holes

Speaker: Sudip Ghosh

Abstract: We will discuss aspects of small AdS-Schwarzschild Black Holes in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. In particular we will consider issues related to dynamical instabilities of small black holes and their dual interpretation in the boundary gauge theory at large N. 

QG group meeting: boundary locality vs. higher-spin symmetry

2020年6月15日 (月) 15:30
Lab 4, E01

QG group meeting.
Speaker: Yasha Neiman
Title: "Boundary locality vs. higher-spin symmetry"

Novel Perspectives in String Phenomenology

2020年6月1日 (月) 17:00
Zoom Meeting Link
Title: Novel Perspectives in String Phenomenology
Speaker: Alon E. Faraggi, University of Liverpool, UK

I will review the structure of the fermionic Z2xZ2 orbifolds that produced a large space of phenomenological three generation models. I will discuss the trial and error old school method that gave rise to the first known string derived MSSM models, as well as the more modern classification methods that enables the analysis of large spaces of vacua and extraction of some of the global properties underlying them, e.g. spinor--vector duality. I will discuss a new direction of research that was initiated over the past year. Since the mid-eighties it is known that in addition to the ten dimensional tachyon free heterotic-string vacua there exist tachyonic ten dimensional vacua. In the supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric tachyon free cases the ten dimensional tachyon are projected out by the same projection. I will discuss the construction of phenomenological tachyon free models starting from the tachyonic 10D vacua and their particular features.

Domain Walls of N=1, D=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory

2020年5月25日 (月) 16:00
Zoom Meeting Link:

Title: How Domain Walls of N=1, D=4 SYM look like

Speaker: Dmitri Sorokin, University of Padua, Italy

Abstract: We review main features of the pure N=1, D=4 SYM with the gauge group SU(N) and its effective description by the Veneziano-Yankielowicz generalized sigma-model. We then indicate that the construction of BPS domain walls interpolating between different SYM vacua requires the presence of a dynamical membrane source. We will show how such a membrane is coupled to the SYM and present the explicit form of BPS domain walls which it creates in the Veneziano-Yankielowicz effective theory. In particular, we will describe 1/2 BPS domain wall configurations with |k| less than or equal to N/3, where k is the membrane charge that sets the "distance" between two distinct SUSY vacua. 

