'Commencing the domestic production of lead glazed bricks- Analytical studies of excavated ceramics from the 7-8th century' Dr. Junko Furihata


2016年2月25日 (木) 11:00


D015, Lab1


Title: Commencing the domestic production of lead glazed bricks- Analytical studies of excavated ceramics from the 7-8th century

Speaker: Dr. Junko Furihata, a Senior Conservator at the Conservation Science Laboratory of the Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties


Date : Thursday, February 25th, 2016

Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm

Venue: D015 (Level D, Lab1)


Abstract: This research aims to reveal the distribution routes of raw materials and the spread of manufacturing techniques of lead glazed ceramics in ancient Japan. I investigated the variation of the raw materials and the production techniques, using scientific analysis of their chemical composition, firing temperature, and the lead isotope ratio. When the bricks regarded as the oldest domestic brick were reinvestigated, I got a new view and tried to estimate from where the influence was brought.

Biography: Dr. Junko Furihata is a Senior Conservator at the Conservation Science Laboratory of the Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties.  She graduated from the Nara Women's University with a Master's degree in Physics.  She also attended Kyoto University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Sokendai in 2014. Her area of research is conservation science of inorganic materials excavated from site, with a focus on supply systems of the raw materials used in lead glass and lead glazed ceramics. She is also investigating the pigments used in ancient mural paintings and temples.

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