Pipetman On-Site Diagnosis
2015年11月5日 (木) 11:00 〜 16:00
B503, Center Building
M & S Instruments Inc., Japanese exclusive representative of Gilson, will be coming to OIST to inspect your Gilson Pipetman.
They will do a performance check and test for air leaks on-site, and return your pipettes with a diagnosis.
This will also be a great opportunity to ask the technical staff any questions you may have about pipettes.
* This service is for Gilson pipette series only.
* Please make sure your pipettes are not contaminated with hazardous materials.
Having you pipettes inspected
・Bring your pipettes and the above receipt slip to the clinic and give them to a M&S Instruments representative.
・You will receive a call when the inspection is finished.
・If your pipette is diagnosed as being in need of any repairs or replacements, they will attach a card noticing which part is defective.
Repairing your pipettes
・In your unit/ section gather all the pipettes you'd like to have repaired.
・Hand them to Medix or TOMY with the tags still attached.
・Once you receive a quotation for the repair, please follow the procedures for a regular purchase order.
Please read the clinic leaflet for more details.
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