NMR Spectroscopy

Contact point for usage through "Jumps" program

Instrumental Analysis Section (ias*oist.jp)(replace* by @)

400MHz NMR Spectrometer

Maker: JEOL

Model: JNM-ECZ400S

Features: Structure elucidation of organic compounds and natural products

600MHz NMR Spectrometer

Maker: JEOL

Model: JNM-ECZ600R


- Structure elucidation of organic compounds and natural products

- Solid state NMR of compounds

500MHz NMR Spectrometer

Maker: Bruker

Model: AVANCE NEO500

Features: Structure elucidation of organic compounds and natural products, high sensitivity of 1D and 2D 1H and 13C NMR measurements

Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer

Maker: JEOL

Model: JES-X330

Features: Organometallic compounds