Flow Cytometry

Contact point for usage through "Jumps" program

Instrumental Analysis Section (ias*oist.jp)(replace* by @)

Cell Sorter

Maker: Becton Dickinson

Model: FACSAria III

Features: Multicolor cell sorter

Cell Sorter

Maker: Becton Dickinson

Model: FACSAria II

Features: Multicolor cell sorter

Cell Analyzer

Maker: Becton Dickinson

Model: LSRFortessa X-20

Features: Multicolor cell analyzer

Imaging Cell Analyzer

Maker: Merck Millipore

Model: ImageStreamX

Features: Imaging cell analyzer

Mass Cytometer

Maker: Fluidigm

Model: Helios CyTOF

Features: Mass cytometer

Cell Sorter

Maker: Union Biometrica

Model: Biosorter

Features: Large particle cell sorter

Cell Sorter

Maker: On-chip Biotechnologies

Model: On-Chip Sort

Features: Damage-free, contamination-free

Cell Analyzer

Maker: Becton Dickinson

Model: Accuri C6+

Features: Simple to use, high detection rate

Cell Analyzer

Maker: Merck Millipore

Model: Muse

Features: Validation free, simple to use