OIST NetCafé Participant Feedback

Thank you very much for your participation to OIST NetCafe. To make our future event even better, we would appreciate your honest feedback about the session.Thank you for your cooperation in advance and we all look forward to seeing you in Okinawa soon!

OIST NetCafeへのご参加、誠にありがとうございました!今後のイベントをより良いものにするために、皆様のご意見をぜひお聞かせいただきたいと思います。次はぜひ沖縄でお会いしましょう!

Data Use Policy

While processing your data, the OIST Graduate School collects your personal information. Information provided by you will be used by the Graduate School Office of the university for admission and other recruitment-related purposes. Even if OIST Graduate School received a request to delete your personal information by you, some attributes such as field of interests may be kept by OIST for analytic purposes under anonymous identity and it will not be able to trace back to your personal information.



Very dissatisfied (とても不満)Somewhat dissatisfied(やや不満)Somewhat satisfied(やや満足)Very satisfied(とても満足)
Overall *
Icebreaking activities *
OIST PhD Introduction by OIST Staff *
Presentation by OIST PhD Students *
Panel discussion (Q&A Session) *
Did not/ Could not use (使わなかった・使えなかった)Very dissatisfied (とても不満)Somewhat dissatisfied(やや不満)Somewhat satisfied(やや満足)Very satisfied(とても満足)
Zoom *
Miro *