Sharing your thoughts about Wellbeing

Thanks to everyone who attended the Ganjuu Wellbeing service Open house event on 11th December 2015 and shared their ideas about keeping well and happy. We had great ideas on a number of themes:
Enjoying Food and Drink - Vegetables, cake, chocolate, sweets, cheese, butter, wine and coffee were some of the tasty and delicious food and drink which people felt increased their wellbeing. Looking after your microbiome was also recommended. Cooking and sharing food and drink in good company were also strong tips.
Connecting - Helping other people, laughing, smiling, watching others smile, spending time with friends and family and with pets, as well as cooking, eating and drinking with others were popular ideas.
Being Active - Physical fun, both sport and recreation including running, dancing, zumba and other kinds of exercise appeared often within the suggestions on the tree.
Being yourself - Spending time doing enjoyable activities such as watching movies or TV shows, painting nails, shopping, reading a good book, as well as positive self-speech and being oneself were some of the ideas shared.
Work - Harmonious and well-organised work environment and organised labs contributed to wellbeing.
Positive Spirituality and Mindfulness - Mindful awareness and embracing trust in spirituality, whether related to religious beliefs or an appreciation of the moment, such as watching the sunset, were also included in the suggestions.
Please help us to build this resource by sharing your ideas for increasing wellbeing and happiness here.