Joint Workshop of 2nd JST-SICORP Workshop & 6th Investigative Commission of Ortho – Organogenesis



Dec 7: Rizzan Sea-Park Hotel; Dec 8 & 9 OIST: Seaside House


Joint Workshop of 2nd JST-SICORP Workshop & 6th Investigative Commission of Ortho – Organogenesis

The aim of this workshop is to present new findings including unpublished data and discuss each other to stimulate research field on mechanisms of homeostasis and its application to organisms, which is expected to play a central role in implementation of health and medical care in the society. It will be mainly discussed on the topics of systemic regeneration, anti-inflammation, and biological defenses arose from environmental sensing in the gut.

This workshop also aims to develop international collaboration through co-organization with Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SICORP) operated by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). We welcome all of you and look forward to having active discussions!

See detailed program in attachment.


12/7 @RizzanSea-Park Hotel Tancha-Bay
Plenary Session (18:00-18:30) Shinya Ikematsu (NIT Okinawa)
Welcome Party (18:30-20:30)

12/8 @OIST Seaside House
Session 1 (9:00-11:30) Food & Microbiome Function for gut health and preemptive medicine
Chair: Cathryn Nagler, Yuji Heike
Noriko M Tsuji (AIST), Valerie Verhasselt (U Nice / France), Elizabeth Forbes-Blom(MIMR / New Zealand), Naoki Shimojo(U Chiba), Liekevan den Elsen(MIMR / New Zealand)

Session 2 (14:30-16:45) Elucidation and intervention of food allergy
Chair: Elizabeth Forbes-Blom, Naoki Shimojo
Cathy Nagler (U Chicago / USA), ZijinGuo(RIKEN), Yosuke Kurashima(U Tokyo), Jun Kunisawa (NIBIOHN)

Session 3 (17:00-18:30) Links between Immunity and Intestinal microbiota
Chair: Jun Kunisawa, Takahiro Adachi
Keiichiro Suzuki (RIKEN), Shinsaku Okai (NAIST), Fumihito Usui (NAIST), Ryutaro Fukui (U Tokyo)

12/9 @OIST Seaside House
Session 4 (9:00-11:30) Ortho-metrics and data mining

Chair: TakujiYamada, Noriko M Tsuji
Tadashi Nemoto (AIST), TakujiYamada (Tokyo Tech), MichioTomura (Osaka OhtaniU), Kun-Yi Hsin (OIST), Takahiro Adachi (TMDU)

Session 5 (13:00-14:30) Molecular mechanisms of Development and Homeostasis
Chair:Valerie Verhasselt, Keiichiro Suzuki
Naofumi Itoh (Kumamoto U), Masakazu Namihira (AIST), Hiroki Ishikawa (OIST)

Session 6(14:50-16:50) Immunotherapy and bio-modulatory Food Components
Chair: Hiroaki Maeda, Shinya Ikematsu
Yuji Heike (St.Luke’sI U), Yoshiko Aihara (Kobe U), Yoh-ichiShinma (AIST), Ryoki Kobayashi (Nihon U)

Contact :
Investigative Commission of Ortho-Organogenesis
Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SICORP)

​Tomonori Kamiya, Noriko Tsuji (AIST)  
TEL: 029-861-3109 FAX: 029-861-2338


Sponsor or Contact: 
Investigative Commission of Ortho-Organogenesis; Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SICORP)
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