
2017年11月24日 (金) (All day)2017年11月26日 (日) (All day)


OIST Conference Center (Auditorium and Meeting Rooms)


The International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS) is a joint effort of the University of the Ryukyus, the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate  University (OIST) and the National Institute of Technology Okinawa College.

The newly established OIST (http://www.oist.jp) will host the event.

ICIIBMS is technically co-sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society (ICIIBMS CS), the IEEE Technical Committee on Computational Life Science (TCCLS) as well as the Applied Science and Computer Science Publications (ASCSPub, http://www.ascspublications.org).

ICIIBMS aims to create an opportunity to top technology leaders, scholars, engineers, scientists, leading industry leaders as well as graduate students to share ideas and discuss latest results.

ICIIBMS is a three day event with oral presentations, poster sessions and plenary lectures.

ICIIBMS 2017 has three tracks

  • Track 1 - Signal Processing, Computer Networks, and Telecommunications
    Chair: Suriyon Tansuriyavong, National Institute of Technology Okinawa College, Japan
    Track 2 - Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Human-Computer Interaction
  • Chair: Fumiaki Takemura, National Institute of Technology Okinawa College, Japan 
  • Track 3 - Bioinformatics, Medical Imaging and Neuroscience
    Chair: Bernd Kuhn, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan

For more information, please visit the ICIIBMS 2017 official website.

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Phone: +81-980-55-4174 Fax: +81-980-55-4012 Email: secretariat@iciibms.org
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