The 43rd Japan Ulcer Society Meeting


2015年6月19日 (金) 9:002015年6月20日 (土) 17:00


OIST Auditorium, Seminar Rooms C210 & B250, Restaurant Floor


The 43rd Japan Ulcer Society Meeting (第43回日本潰瘍学会)

Meeting Topic: Translation Research and the Future of Helcology (近未来潰瘍学の創造とトランスレーショナル研究)

The Japanese Society of Ulcer Research (JSUR) has a history of 40 years since the establishment as an academic society of ulcer research. During four decades, JSUR undertook to clarify the pathogenesis of ulcer disease that mainly occurs in gastrointestinal tract and to support the development of new medicines and treatments for the ulcer diseases. JSUR consists of five hundred researchers who are medical doctors and pharmaceutical doctors engaged not only in clinical work but also in research work.

In the 43rd annual meeting, we expect to make advances in the clarification of the pathogenesis for ulcer disease that occurs based on the inflammation and the abnormalities in endocrinological or immunological function. We are also going to support the development of new therapy for ulcer disease with medicines such as acid-suppressive drug, antibiotics, immunosuppressant, prebiotics, probiotics, biologics and herbal medicine.

All scientific sessions are open to OIST members (OIST badge required). All sessions are in Japanese. English interpretation is provided for the the following sessions:

Friday, June 19, 9:20-11:30 Ulcer Society-OIST Joint Symposium 1
List of talks: 
  1. The epidemiological study of Helicobacter pylori infection, peptic ulcer and gastric cancer in Okinawa
  2. Association between Helicobacter pylori Virulence Factors and Gastroduodenal Diseases in Okinawa
  3. Does Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy prevent gastric cancer?
  4. The strategy for eliminating gastric cancer.
  5. Acid Inhibitors Do Not Mitigate, But Exacerbate
  6. H.pylori‐Induced Gastritis Both In Vitro And In Vivo
  7. Enhanced migration and proliferation in CD44v9-expressing cancer stem-like cells with H. pylori infection.
  8. Structure, function, and regulation of the H. pylori virulence factor CagA
Saturday, June 20, 9:00-11:30: Ulcer Society-OIST Joint Symposium 2 
List of talks:
  1. Molecular Synthesis for the Creation of New Bioactive Molecules 
  2. Clinical application of ghrelin, an appetite-stimulating hormone from stomach
  3. Isolation and structure elucidation of cytotoxic compounds from Okinawan marine cyanobacteria
  4. Re-evaluation of Kampo medicine by scientific method - Rikkunshito and the ghrelin story
  5. Discovery of acotiamide hydrochloride hydrate and its pharmacological action as a drug for treatment of functional dyspepsia
  6. Discovery of TAK-438 (Vonoprazan Fumarate) as a New Potassium-Competitive Acid Blocker (P-CAB) with a Novel Mode of Action

For further information, please visit the symposium website or contact the organizers. 

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