Collections request

Responsibility for Loaned Specimens

The head of the department or institution borrowing the material is responsible for safekeeping and proper care of loaned material. In the case of loans to a private individual, that individual is responsible for the loan.

Return of Loaned Specimens

Specimens are loaned for the period described above. Applications for extension of loans should be received prior to the expiration of the loan period. Borrowing institutions and individuals assume responsibility for all expenses related to returning loans.

Third Party Transfer

Loaned material shall not be transferred to any third institution or investigator without permission.


Loan recipients will acknowledge the Environmental Science and Informatics Section, OIST in all publications resulting from primary analysis of the loaned material, whether specimens or digital.

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Recipient's address for mailed specimens
Maximum of one year from date of receipt. Shorter loan requests will typically be given precedence.
Enter a list of the number of specimens being requested. Include taxonomic designation and total number of specimens.
Please provide a brief description of the study specimens will be used for, how they will be used, and method of return.
If "yes", please explain why in the "purpose" box above. Requests to use specimens in a manner that will damage or destroy the specimen will require extra consideration.
Enter the characters shown in the image.