Notice of repair work: Center Bldg, Level A, Outside


2018年7月25日 (水) 8:002018年8月31日 (金) 17:00


Due to repair work on the outside of Center Bldg Level A, there will be noise and vibration while this work is being performed. We will do our best to keep them to a minimum.

Dates: 7/25 (Wed) – 8/31(Fri) 08:00~17:00

Locations: Center Bldg, Level A, Outside (Tunnel gallery Elevator hall Top-light)

Work activity: Repair water leakage


We apologize for any inconvenience and truly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


Facility Management Section


<改修工事のお知らせ: センタ-棟、A階外部




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