Video Conferencing System Training by Cisco - JA 2


2016年3月15日 (火) 13:30 15:00




Remember a dad calling his daughter from a space station in "2001: Space Odyssey"? Would you like to walk on another planet just like in the movie "Avatar"? Well, video conferencing devices have been around for quite some time, but organizing video conferences has never been easy. In our real world, there were so many technical glitches like flaky Internet connections, computer resource conflicts, microphone and speaker loopbacks or mixture of different technologies. Until now.

OIST has integrated the scheduling of video conferencing into OIST Outlook. You can invite people using standard Outlook meeting requests with the possibility of using a room equipped with a dedicated video conferencing device, or joining remotely using iPhone, iPad, Android or Note PC. If the network connection fails, participants still can join the same conference using ordinary phone.

The Network team has been working with Cisco to deploy Collaboration Meeting Rooms (CMR), due to be released on 14 March. Advantage of CMR is the readiness to invite not only OIST staff but also someone at the other universities or institutes. Just send them a meeting URL and let them click on it! Users can join the meeting with voice, video, Instant Messaging, and can share the contents on the screen.

WebEx accounts will be created for all RAs and Faculty. "WebEx combined with the Collaboration Meeting Room service allows users to collaborate with anyone on any device at any time," says Justin Kosinski, an Audio Visual Services specialist at OIST.

 Other staff or students who need to schedule his/her own video conferencing; please sign up this form to obtain own WebEx account.

Cisco will hold training sessions about how to use this new video conferencing environment. Please attend any one of the training sessions listed below to learn how easy it will be to take advantage of this video conferencing environment.

Monday, 14 March, and Tuesday, 15 March
10:00 - 11:30, B250

Monday, 14 March, and Tuesday, 15 March
13:30 - 15:00, B250

Please attend to learn how easy it will be to take advantage of this video conferencing environment.

More video conferencing information and guides are available on the AV page.

Subscribe to the OIST Calendar: Right-click to download, then open in your calendar application.