Asymptotic behavior of low energy nodal solutions of the Lane-Emden problem,


2024年1月12日 (金) 15:00 15:50




Speaker: Dr. Zetao Cheng (Tsinghua University)

Tittle:Asymptotic behavior of low energy nodal solutions of the Lane-Emden problem,


In this talk, I will introduce our recent work about asymptotic behaviors of low energy nodal solutions for Lane-Emden equations when the exponent goes to infinity. Asymptotic behaviors of positive solutions have been studied well, but asymptotic behaviors of nodal solutions is more difficult to study and not much is known. Here we can obtain some results for low energy nodal solutions. The biharmonic case will also be considered. This is based on joint work with Prof.Zhijie Chen and Hanqing Zhao.


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