
2023年3月13日 (月) 14:00 15:00

Dr. Klaus Qvortrup, Professor at the Centre for Integrative Microscopy, Biomedical Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.


2023年3月13日 (月) (All day)

Mar 13 - Mar 14 Tetsuro Nikuni (Professor, Tokyo University of Science, Japan )


2023年3月1日 (水) (All day)

Julián Ferreiro Vélez, University of the Basque Country, Spain


2023年2月6日 (月) (All day)

Prof. Shimpei Endo, Tohoku University


2023年3月2日 (木) (All day)
March 02 - Mar 10 Simeon Mistakidis (Postdoc, Harvard University, USA)


2023年2月14日 (火) (All day)
Feb14 - Feb 28 Jennifer Koch (Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)


2023年2月10日 (金) (All day)

Feb 10 - Feb 25  Ana Majtey (Professor, University of Cordoba, Argentina)


2023年1月13日 (金) 16:00

Optical sensors can play a role in many technologies ranging from biosensing through to magnetic field sensing. This talk will give some overview on how one can use whispering gallery optical resonators for sensing.


2023年1月6日 (金) 10:00

The imaging of individual atoms in a atomic cloud or gas is a challenging task. In this talk we will discuss how to experimentally achieve this using techniques from quantum optics and in particular using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency


2023年2月16日 (木) 10:00

Quantum computers can use many forms of quantum systems to encode and process quantum information. There has been a lot of interest recently on using modes of light to encode quantum information but this brings with it some questions about how to encode quantum information into an infinite dimensional Hilbert space which is robust against errors. This talk will show how this can be achieved.
