Events specific to the graduate school.


2017年2月14日 (火) (All day)2017年2月16日 (木) (All day)

Selection workshop for students seeking admission to the PhD program in 2017


2016年7月26日 (火) (All day)2016年7月28日 (木) (All day)

3rd Admissions Selection Workshop.

This workshop will target Japanese university students, and is timed to coincide with the main application and selection periods of the major research universities PhD programs across Japan.  Students who come to the 2016 July workshop will generally be looking for entry to a PhD program in 2017.


2016年4月1日 (金) 17:00 18:00


  1. Student Tours through OIST (Community Relations Section)
  2. Student representative reports (Faculty Assembly, Facilities, etc.)
  3. OIST Machine Workshop
  4. Teaching Credits & PD2
  5. Open Forum


2016年4月1日 (金) 16:00 17:00
Every second Friday from 4-5pm OIST PhD students will present on their thesis research topic to OIST members. Please come and support these students and discover what fantastic research is happening around OIST!


2016年3月11日 (金) 9:15 12:00
Final presentation by the Science Challenge participants: ‘What would you do in Graduate School?’


2016年2月21日 (日) 14:00 16:30
日本で最もユニークでグローバルな2つの大学の学生による 若者のためのシンポジウム開催。入場無料。要予約。日英同時通訳あり。


2016年2月21日 (日) 14:00 16:30
Students of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) discuss their views and ideas about the future of the world. Admissions free. Reservations required. In English and Japanese, with simultaneous interpretation.


2016年2月26日 (金) 14:00
Workshop series on "How to prepare an effective CV and/or Résumé for jobs in academia and industry!"


2016年2月19日 (金) 14:00
Workshop series on "How to prepare an effective CV and/or Résumé for jobs in academia and industry!"


2016年2月12日 (金) 14:00
Workshop series on "How to prepare an effective CV and/or Résumé for jobs in academia and industry!"
