
2019年3月5日 (火) 13:30 19:00

大学や研究機関において生み出される最新の先端科学技術に基づく技術革新は近年、創薬やバイオテクノロジー、新素材・新エネルギー、ロボット、IoTなどの分野において世界的に急速に注目が高まりつつある。こうした分野は応用にあたって多額の資金や長期にわたる開発期間を要することから収益化が困難とされ、「Deep Tech」と呼ばれている。ボストンやロンドンのような学術機関の集積地においてはベンチャーキャピタルを中心とした独自のDeep Tech起業支援体制を確立させる試みが進展しつつある。



2019年3月5日 (火) 13:30 19:00

Disruptive innovations based on cutting-edge research results produced at universities and research institutes are gathering worldwide attention by those who are involved in the areas such as drug discovery, biotech, new materials, renewable energy, robotics and IoT.  These innovations are referred to as “Deep Tech” as they often struggle to find initial funding because of their complex nature and the longer time scale necessary to produce results compared to the other types of startups.  Academic cities such as the areas around Boston and London area are rapidly gathering momentum and interests by venture capitals and startups to establish an innovation ecosystem based on “Deep Tech”.

In this forum the keynote speakers and panelists will discuss the visions, missions and roles of universities, and how hi-tech and cutting-edge scientific research can contribute to the establishment of a Deep Tech innovation ecosystem.


2018年12月14日 (金) 16:00 17:00

In this Innovation Forum hosted talk, Ginkgo Bioworks Associate Head of Metabolic Engineering, Dr. Massimo Merighi, will discuss several case studies of pathways developed by Ginkgo, in particular one involving the engineering of a substrate co-feed in Escherichia coli, including a history of how this design cycle has evolved over time to take advantage of new technological developments.



2018年10月1日 (月) 11:00

New Insights on Global Climate Change from Coral Reefs

Prof. Rob Dunbar

Stanford University


2018年6月30日 (土) 16:30 17:30

English with no interpretation. Admission free. No reservation required. Suitable for general public audience. Part of "Strings 2018." Dr. Hirosi Ooguri is Professor at CalTech, President of the Aspen Center for Physics, and PI of the Kavli Institute at UTokyo.


2018年6月30日 (土) 14:00 16:00

入場無料。要予約。言語:日本語(通訳なし)。一般向け公開講演。超弦理論国際会議「Strings2018」の一般向け上映会・講演会。大栗博司(カリフォルニア工科大学教授)と橋本幸士(大阪大学素粒子論研究室 教授)


2018年6月30日 (土) 14:00 16:00

This talk will be in Japanese only. A separate session will be held at 16:30 in Japanese. Admission free. Reservation required. Suitable for general public audience. Part of "Strings 2018." Dr. Hirosi Ooguri is Professor at CalTech, President of the Aspen Center for Physics, and PI of the Kavli Institute at UTokyo.


2018年5月24日 (木) 16:00 17:00

Prof Joel Hass (University of California, Davis) is presenting a public lecture on "Comparing shapes of genus zero". This talk is aimed at a general scientific audience. All are welcome to attend.

Abstract: Almost everything we encounter in our 3-dimensional world is a surface - the outside of a solid object. Moreover there is an explosive increase in the availability of digitized representations of surfaces in 3D. Comparing the shapes of surfaces is, not surprisingly, a fundamental problem in both theoretical and applied mathematics. Facial recognition, drug design and much of radiology, for example, are concerned with comparing and aligning surfaces. Deep mathematical results are now being used to study objects such as bones, brain cortices, proteins and biomolecules by studying their surface geometry. This talk will discuss recent joint work with Patrice Koehl that introduces a new way to align and compare surfaces, and how well it performs relative to other methods and to human experts.


2018年3月5日 (月) 12:00 13:00

Lunchtime fireside chat with Omar Sultan, Managing Partner of Sultan Ventures, a venture capital firm based in Hawaii, USA. Get your startup questions answered.


2018年3月16日 (金) 18:30 19:30
On Friday, March 16th, the last event of the OIST Science Talk Series featuring OIST scientists from Okinawa will take place. 
The talk series was very popular and well received by the public, so we decided to have an extra event in March in which five of the six speakers will get together and respond to questions come from the public. 
The event will start from 18:30-19:30 at Junku-do Book Store in Naha (1-19-29 Makishi, Naha-city). 
*The talk is in Japanese only.
