
2023年2月10日 (金) 10:00

This session will be done in English only. The program will start off with OIST general introduction, PhD & Research Internship admission process, financial support and student life followed by the panel discussion by 3 OIST PhD students.


2023年3月11日 (土) (All day)2023年3月18日 (土) (All day)


OIST サイエンスチャレンジ 2023ではOIST教員、ポスドク、博士課程学生による数々のセミナー(英語)を受講し、OISTで行われている研究を体験します。国際的な環境で博士課程において必要なスキル、より充実した博士課程の生活を送るための秘訣等を学びます。ワークショップ期間で学んだ内容を踏まえ、最後にスライドプレゼンテーション、"How will your research impact future society?" を更に練り上げ、一人ずつ英語でプレゼンテーションを行います。このワークショップが、それぞれの参加者の科学に対する情熱をより高め、次のステップに進むためのきっかけとなればと考えています。



2023年3月11日 (土) (All day)2023年3月18日 (土) (All day)


OIST Science Challenge workshop provides participants with a unique opportunity to extend their scientific education and experience research. We also offer valuable information and tips to help them prepare for a doctoral program. Through a series of activities with faculty, postdocs, as well as with PhD students, the participants will learn about research conducted at OIST, and skills needed to survive and enjoy a PhD life. At the end of the workshop, participants will be asked to present a submitted slide presentation on the theme "How will your research impact future society?" in light of their experience throughout the week. The presentation will be shared with the OIST community.
Airfare, accommodation, and meals during the workshop will be provided by OIST.


2022年12月17日 (土) 15:00



2022年12月17日 (土) 15:00

Would you like to know more about our fully funded PhD program and Research Internship as well as opportunities to experience the atmosphere at OIST? Staff and Alumni from OIST (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology) will come to Tokyo to answer all your questions about the PhD & Research Internship admission process, support for students as well as student life at OIST.


2022年12月2日 (金) 15:00

This session will be done in Japanese. The program will start off with a general introduction of OIST, PhD & Research Internship admission process, financial support and student life followed by a panel discussion by two OIST PhD students.


2022年10月7日 (金) 14:00 15:30



2022年10月7日 (金) 14:00 15:30

This session will be done in Japanese. The program will start off with OIST general introduction, PhD & Research Internship admission process, financial support and student life followed by the panel discussion by 2 OIST PhD students.


2022年8月26日 (金) 17:00

This session will be done in English only. The program will start off with OIST general introduction, PhD & Research Internship admission process, financial support and student life followed by the panel discussion by 2 OIST PhD students.


2022年8月26日 (金) 17:00

This session will be done in English only. The program will start off with OIST general introduction, PhD & Research Internship admission process, financial support and student life followed by the panel discussion by 2 OIST PhD students.
