Comsol Seminar 2017


Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 13:00 to 17:00


Center Bldg. C210



  • Before the seminar, install a free trial of COMSOL 5.3 (for Linux, Mac and Windows) from the IT Licensed Software server. Look in folder "COMSOL_5.3_Trial" for the installers. The license code is in the same folder.
  • The lecture notes are available here.

The lecture will provide an overview of the COMSOL Multiphysics® with demo examples that show you how to use the software even as a beginner. We will introduce the core COMSOL Multiphysics® package and the various physics-specific add-on products. The core functionality news and physics and modeling news for the latest version of 5.3 will be presented. 

A PDE-based diffusion/heat conduction model presented here will let you learn about the application of user-defined equations using the core COMSOL Multiphysics® package. We will also present a multi-physics model coupling the heat and mass transport, fluid flow, and exothermic reactions, from which you can learn how to systematically set up a sophisticated model using predefined physics interfaces in COMSOL Multiphysics®. 

This talk will feature a live demonstration of COMSOL Multiphysics®. You can ask questions throughout the lecture or at the end during the Q&A session.

For questions, please email Jan Moran

Date: November 9, 2017 13:00-17:00
Room: Center Bldg. C210
PresenterDr. Lizhu Tong
Language: English


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