Internal Seminar: Cindy Esporlas, PhD Student, Light-Matter Interactions Unit


Friday, March 30, 2018 - 16:00




Internal Seminar

Speaker: Cindy Esporlas, PhD Student, Light-Matter Interactions Unit (Síle Nic Chormaic Unit)

Title: Optical manipulation with ultrathin optical fibers


The transfer of linear and angular momentum arising from light-matter interactions is the core mechanism behind optical manipulation and control of micro- and nanoparticles. Field-modifying structures such as ultrathin optical fibers (UOF) can transform light into various geometries suitable for highly precise, stable, and strong light-matter interaction experiments. In this talk, I will provide an overview on how such conventional silica fibers tapered down to wavelength or sub-wavelength diameters can be used as a versatile and efficient platform for near-field light-matter interaction experiments in the micro- and nanoscale. I will also discuss our research on experimentally observing the mechanical effects of particular UOF light modes on trapped micro- and nanoparticles placed near the surface of an UOF.

Free Pizza and soft drinks will be served following the seminar. Please join us for refreshments and informal scientific discussion from 5:00-5:30pm.  



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