The Common English Errors Workshop


Friday, December 4, 2015 - 10:00 to 12:00



Language is humankind’s greatest invention; without it we could not express ideas, share knowledge or convey emotions. English language communication is an everyday part of life here at OIST. It is essential that we use the language as clearly as possible.


The aim of The Common English Errors Workshop is to identify and resolve language problems among Japanese speakers of English. Working in small groups, participants will explore common misuses of English. The workshop will feature tasks, activities and discussions. The outcome will be a greater awareness of some of the most common English errors and how to avoid them.

Area of Analysis:

  • prepositions
  • verb tense
  • articles
  • relative pronouns


Dates: Friday, December 4th, 2015
Times: 10:00-12:00 (2h)
Venue: Seminar Room B503, Center Bldg.
Instructor: David Bermingham
Language: English
Audience: Intermediate to upper-intermediate level
Class Limit:25

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact
For more information on the seminar and to register, please click here. (login required)

All the best,

Training Team, HR

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