Frequently asked questions are below.

If you do not find your question, feel free to contact


or submit your question via webform!

I don't have any instruments, will I be able to join?

No problem. Although the club only has some limited choices we do have instruments that can be shared with everyone.

I play a genre of music that might not be what you mainly play. Is that okay?

In theory, if the genre you want to play does not apply to any other music clubs at OIST you are welcome to play at our live performances. However, this stands only if you can find people who are willing to play your genre in the club. (Most people are open to new genres so it won't be a problem.)

So far these are what our members enjoy!


I have no experience in playing music. Will I be able to join?

Many members of our club are beginners who want to start learning a new instrument. If we have enough beginners in a specific instrument we may also do group lessons with an invited teacher.

Where should I buy my instruments?

You can find the nearest instrument store in Aeon Mall Rycom (Shimamura Instruments). Another popular Japanese website for buying instruments is soundhouse. Assistance in Japanese will be provided by group members upon request.

What do you actually do in the club?

In the club, we usually not only share musical interests but also prepare for live performances either hosted by an OIST event or self-hosted.

Teaching of instruments among members are also done regularly.