Quantum Extreme Universe: Matter, Information, and Gravity

Theoretical physics is often divided into different fields such as particle physics, condensed matter theory, and gravity, depending on the length scale of the logical targets. However, by introducing ideas from quantum information science into the physics of quantum many-body systems, and via their deep connections to quantum gravity, it is becoming clear that what underlies many of these theories is actually the same. This workshop aims to explore the quantum information theoretic connections between these various fields. In particular, we will focus on connections among quantum information, quantum gravity, and both theoretical and experimental quantum matter.

This workshop will be held in collaboration between OIST and the MEXT-KAKENHI-Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) funded “Extreme Universe (ExU)” consortium.

Contact: exu-oist@oist.jp

Be Aware of Travel Arrangement Scam!

Workshop organizers and invited speakers are often contacted by number of "travel agencies" to which OIST is not related, based on the publicly available information on the web.

Please refrain from replying to those agencies unless OIST organizers or secretariat have explicitly contacted you beforehand.

When in doubt, please send a copy of any email communication to OIST Conference and Workshop Section workshop@oist.jp.


October 21, 2024 (Monday, all day) - October 25, 2024 (Friday, all day)

Invited Speakers

  • Doyeol Ahn (University of Seoul)
  • Chris Akers (IAS Princeton)
  • Jan de Boer (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
  • David Elkouss Coronas (OIST)
  • Chisa Hotta (University of Tokyo, Komaba)
  • Yi-Ping Huang (National Tsing Hua University)
  • Janet Hung (Tsinghua University)
  • Etsuko Itou (YITP Kyoto)
  • Sugumi Kanno (Kyushu University)
  • Josh Kirklin (Perimeter Institute)
  • Ramis Movassagh (Google)
  • Yasha Neiman (OIST)
  • Kae Nemoto (OIST)
  • Suvrat Raju (ICTS Bangalore)
  • Renato Renner (ETH Zurich)
  • Allen Scheie (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  • Antony Speranza (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
  • Tomonori Ugajin (Rikkyo University)
  • Aron Wall (University of Cambridge)
  • Michael Walter (Ruhr University Bochum)
  • Andreas Winter (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
  • Edward Witten (IAS Princeton) [online talk]
  • Zhen-Sheng Yuan (University of Science and Technology China)

More speakers to be announced.


Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater (Seminar Room B250) Click to open the full size map in a new tab.

Map of campus with workshop venue indicated.

Talks will also be broadcast online; connection information to follow at a later date.

Scheduled shuttles will run between Naha Airport and OIST on Sunday Oct 20 and Friday Oct 25. This service will be offered free of charge to participants. Please consult the Venue Information page for further details.

A banquet dinner will be held on Wednesday October 23rd at the Oriental Hotel poolside venue. (Participation in the banquet dinner is included in the in-person conference registration fee.)

Short Talk/Poster Submission

We will accept applications for poster presentations and a limited number of short talks. You can indicate this in the registration.


Registration is closed. We will contact applicants shortly to provide information about application status.

On-site participants who are not invited speakers will be asked to pay a ¥30,000 registration fee. Transportation to/from the Fuchaku area and Seaside House, as well as lunches, coffee breaks, and the banquet dinner are included in this fee. Due to capacity limits, we may not be able to offer all registrants the chance to attend in person, depending on the number of applications that we receive. Selected participants will be notified during the first week of July.


Local Organizers

Gonçalo Araujo-Regado, Julian De Vuyst, Stefan Eccles, Francesco Sartini, Bilyana Tomova (OIST, Qubits and Spacetime Unit)