Past Events
[Lecture] "Massless higher spins and cosmology" by Prof. Ergin Sezgin
We present a Freedman-Robertson-Walker solution of higher spin theory in four dimesions. It is obtained by employing a holomorphic factorization in noncommutative twistor space and gauge functions. We interpret the FRW solution in the context of inflationary cosmology. In interpreting the solution in terms of Fronsdal-type fields in spacetime, a field-dependent higher spin transformation is required, which is implemented at leading order. We also observe that the factorization method provides a convenient framework for setting up a perturbation theory around the exact solutions, and we propose that the nonlinear completion of particle excitations over FRW requires black hole-like states.
[Lecture] "Self-Duality and Chiral Higher Spin Theories" by Dr. Dmitry Ponomarev
In this talk I will review recent results revealing the connection between chiral higher spin theories and self-duality as well as discuss consequences of this connection.
[Lecture] "Soft hair on black hole and cosmological horizons in any dimension" by Prof. Daniel Grumiller
Starting from a generic near horizon expansion in any spacetime dimension greater than two we derive all near horizon symmetries and discover a wealth of novel results: 1. Any non-extremal horizon has an infinite set of near horizon symmetries and associated soft hair excitations. 2. The near horizon symmetries can be represented as generalization of the Bondi-Metzner-Sachs algebra. 3. For horizons that are either flat or non-rotating the near horizon symmetries can be represented as Heisenberg algebras, with one quarter of the inverse of Newton's constant playing the role of Planck's constant. 4. Not only black holes, but also cosmological horizons are equipped with soft hair. We discuss implications of soft hair for horizon thermodynamics and entropy, and comment on open problems and further developments, including possible applications to higher spin theories.
"What is the Man from the 9 Dimensions?" Hirosi Ooguri (English)
English with no interpretation. Admission free. No reservation required. Suitable for general public audience. Part of "Strings 2018." Dr. Hirosi Ooguri is Professor at CalTech, President of the Aspen Center for Physics, and PI of the Kavli Institute at UTokyo.
[Lecture] "Supersymmetry and de Sitter Holography" by Gerben Venken
There is a no-go theorem stating that de Sitter space cannot be supersymmetric, unless the theory violates unitarity. The nonunitary can manifest itself for instance by the presence of ghost fields. We point out that Vasiliev higher spin gravity evades the assumptions of the no-go theorem and provide evidence that dS space can be consistently supersymmetrized. This relates to the fact that the supersymmetric AdS-Vasiliev/U(N) model duality can be consistently Wickrotated into a supersymmetric dS-Vasiliev/U(-N) duality, providing a concrete supersymmetric dS/CFT duality. Using dS/CFT, we compute the dS Hartle-Hawking wavefunction for a range of deformations. We show that the wavefunction is peaked at undeformed dS space and large deformations are supressed, indicating an absence of ghosts. We speculate on the possibility of a stringy interpetation of dS/CFT in terms of exotic string theories. Based in part on [1709.06024] JHEP 02 (2018) 024.
"What is Superstring Theory?" Hiroshi Ooguri (Japanese only)
This talk will be in Japanese only. A separate session will be held at 16:30 in Japanese. Admission free. Reservation required. Suitable for general public audience. Part of "Strings 2018." Dr. Hirosi Ooguri is Professor at CalTech, President of the Aspen Center for Physics, and PI of the Kavli Institute at UTokyo.
[Lecture] "Tensionless String Spectra in AdS_3" by Prof. Rajesh Gopakumar
We examine the spectrum of superstrings on backgrounds of the form AdS_3\times S^3\times M at their minimal radius (or tensionless limit). We focus on a very natural subsector which consists of states at the bottom of the so-called spectrally flowed continuous representations. We find that this entire subsector matches precisely with that of a symmetric product CFT. This can be viewed as a signature of an unbroken Higher Spin Square (HSS) symmetry at this point. This HSS symmetry had previously appeared at a very different tensionless point in the parameter space of the string theory on AdS_3.
Seminar "Double Warm-Core Structure of Typhoon Lan (2017) as observed through upper-tropospheric aircraft reconnaissance during T-PARCII" by Prof.Hiroyuki Yamada
Speaker: Prof. Hiroyuki Yamada,Department of Physics and Earth Sciences,University of the Ryukyus
Seminar "Improving tropical cyclone forecasts with aircraft missions" by Prof. Kosuke Ito
Speaker: Prof. Kosuke Ito, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of the Ryukyus
Innovation Seminar: Investors View on Pharma and Biotech by Dr. Hans Küpper
7th Innovation Seminar Series "Investors View on Pharma and Biotech - A Personal Review" Hans Küpper, Ph.D. Senior Venture Capital and Life Science Professional
[Seminar] Biomimetic Helical Polymers and Foldamers as Unique Chiral Materials by Prof. Eiji Yashima
Dr. Eiji Yashima, Professor, Department of Molecular and Macromolecular Chemistry Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Panel Discussion: "Common Mistakes When Applying for Independent Funding" ( 科研費応募の際によくあるミスについて)
During this session, you will learn what "to do" and "not to do" from perspectives of 3 very experienced grant management specialists from OIST, Kyoto and Kumamoto universities.
このパネルディスカッションでは、 京都大学、熊本大学 そして OISTから 科研費について 経験値の高いスペシャリスト3名より “するべきこと”と”してはいけないこと“を学べます。
EVERYONE IS WELCOME!皆さんどうぞご参加ください。 お待ちしています。
[Seminar] "Random coefficients autoregressive processes and the PUCK model with fluctuating potential: application to the diffusion of market prices" - by Mr. Arthur Yamashita
Seminar by Mr. Arthur Yamashita (PhD student, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
OCNC2018: OIST Computational Neuroscience Course
OIST Workshop - Application period: Jan 1 - Feb 3, 2018 - OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions. Tutorial sessions are closed (only for registered participants) - Website:
Strings is the annual international conference on string theory, which has been held every year since 1995. Strings 2018 will be hosted by Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University.
Harii (Dragon Boat) Race
Harii Race Rescheduled on Sunday, June 24th
3 teamas from OIST
Internal Seminar: Jungsik Hwang, Visuomotor Learning for Achieving Cognitive Robot Behaviors
Internal Seminar, Friday June 22, 4:00-5:pm, B700 (Lab3)
Internal Seminar: Po-Shun Chuang, PhD Student, Marine Biophysics Unit
Internal Seminar, Friday, June 22, 4:00-5:00pm B700
[Seminar] "Generalization in Deep Networks" by Dr. Andrzej Banburski, MIT
Seminar by Dr. Andrzej Banburski, MIT
Technology Startup Accelerator Summit
Refreshments provided.
No registration required.
Interpretation available.
Workshop: "Time Management"
During this workshop, the participants will learn how to improve their personal time management through the implementation of established time management methods!
Post-event survey SUMMARY[Seminar] "Gravity and differential forms" by Prof. Kirill Krasnov
Speaker: Prof. Kirill Krasnov, University of Nottingham Date : Tuesday, June 19, 2018 Time : 3:00pm-4:00pm
[Seminar] Introduction to Microscale Thermophoresis (MST)
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A representative from NanoTemper will introduce Monolith NT.115, an instrument that measures biomolecular interaction (affinity) based on microscale thermophoresis (MST).
2018 2nd Admissions Workshop
Selection workshop for students seeking admission to the OIST PhD program in 2018
Self-assembled glassy plasmonic nanostructures: fabrication and properties
Self-assembled glassy plasmonic nanostructures: fabrication and properties
By Semyon Chervinskii
[Seminar] ”The Flagellar World" Prof Shin-Ichi Aizawa, Prefectural University of Hiroshima
Professor Shin-Ichi Aizawa, Ph.D. from Prefectural University of Hiroshima
[Seminar] Photon Spin Quantization in New Bosonic Phases of Matter by Professor Jacob Zubin
Title: Photon Spin Quantization in New Bosonic Phases of Matter
Speaker: Professor Jacob Zubin
Institution: Purdue University, IN, USA
[Seminar] Cortical circuits for odor coding by Dr. Kevin Franks
Titile: Cortical circuits for odor coding
Speaker: Dr Kein Franks
Institution: Duke University, USA
Mini Workshop on Robot Learning as a Validation Tool for Neuroscience & Artificial Intelligence
Mini Workshop on Robot Learning as a Validation Tool for Neuroscience & Artificial Intelligence 15:30-17:30, Thursday, June 14 @Conference Center Meeting Room1
[Seminar] "j=3/2 Quantum Spin-Orbital Liquids" by Mr. Willian Natori
TQM unit is pleased to invite you to the seminar.
[Seminar] Giant ultrafast spin injection and spin-to-charge conversion in topological materials by Professor Elbert Chia
Titile: Giant ultrafast spin injection and spin-to-charge conversion in topological materials
Speaker: Elbert Chia
Institution: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Seminar "Towards a tensionless string field theory for six-dimensional (2,0) CFT" by Hidehiko Shimada
Seminar "Towards a tensionless string field theory for six-dimensional (2,0) CFT" by Dr. Hidehiko Shimada, Staff Scientist, Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Unit at OIST. Jun 13 (Wed) at C756-L3
[PhD Thesis Presentation] - E Laine Wong - Ultrafast spatiotemporal control of photocarriers in doped semiconductors
PhD Thesis Presentation
Speaker: E Laine Wong
Titile: Ultrafast spatiotemporal control of photocarriers in doped semiconductors
Location: C700, Lab3
[Seminar] "Theory of Thermal Hall Effect" by Dr. Atsuo Shitade from RIKEN
Hosted by TQM unit
Seminar: "Midbrain organoids as a model to study neurodegenerative disease by investigation of gene-to-phenotype links" by Dr. Junghyun Jo
Speaker: Dr. Junghyun Jo Research Associate Genome Institute of Singapore, A*STAR
Olfaction: the stimulus space, neural representation and behavioural relevance
Olfaction:the stimulus space,neural representation and behavioural relevance
Olfaction: the stimulus space, neural representation and behavioural relevance
OIST Workshop - Application Deadline: 31st December, 2017 - OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions - Website:
Pakistani Peshawari Mutton Karhayi with Chilli Garlic Naan
Pakistani Peshawari Mutton Karhayi with Chilli Garlic Naan
Internal Seminar: Jason Ball, Towards the Quantum Internet
Internal Seminar, Friday June 8th, 5:00pm, B700
Internal Seminar: Masakazu Igarashi, Three-dimensional kinematic analysis of bimanual coordination during food manipulation in head-fixed rats
Internal Seminar, June 8th, 2018, 4:30 - 5:30pm, B700
OIST Three Minute Thesis Competition
OIST Three Minute Thesis Competition
[Seminar]"Performance disruption and predictive processing in expert sensorimotor skills" by Dr. Massimiliano L. Cappuccio
"Performance disruption and predictive processing in expert sensorimotor skills" by Dr. Massimiliano L. Cappuccio, Associate Professor of Cognitive Science at UAE University
[Seminar] "Experimental signatures of quantumness in rare-earth pyrochlores" by Dr. Romain Sibille
hosted by Theory of Quantum Matter Unit.
[Topology and Geometry Seminar] “Coiled Surfaces And The Slope Conjectures” by Dr Josh Howie (Monash University)
The seminar aims to introduce research topics in topology, geometry and its interactions with other sciences. Anyone interested in mathematics is welcome to attend.
This week, Dr Josh Howie (Monash University) will discuss relationships between the colored Jones polynomial which is a quantum knot invariant, and the 3-dimensional geometry and topology of knot complements.
"Writing clinic: Editing for Conciseness"
Writing in a second language is challenging enough, but writing for publication with specific word limits can seem almost impossible. Join us for this 1-hour interactive training to learn tips and tricks to cut your word count and clarify your writing in English.
TO REGISTER CLICK HERE Post-event survey SUMMARY[Seminar] "New triangulation of the Amplituhedron from sign flip" by Ryota Kojima
Speaker: Ryota Kojima, KEK, Japan Date : Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Time : 3:00pm-4:00pm
The Australia-Okinawa Coral Reef Partnership Sharing the Challenges and Experiences of Coral Protection
This is an externally organized event. For more information contact the organizers.
[Seminar] "Black holes in loop quantum gravity: Emergence of non-singular quantum space-time" by Dr. Suddhasattwa Brahma
Speaker: Dr. Suddhasattwa Brahma, APCTP, Korea Date : Friday, June 1, 2018 Time : 4pm-5pm
Joint Seminar of Marine Genomics Unit and Evolutionary Neurobiology Unit, "Evolution of neurons and nervous systems - a cell type perspective"
Dr. Detlev Arendt, Professor, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany. Language: English, no interpretation.
[Topology and Geometry Seminar] “The number of surfaces of fixed genus in a link complement” by Prof Anastasiia Tsvietkova.
The weekly Topology and Geometry Seminar, with Prof. Anastasiia Tsvietkova.