Field training for time-unit sampling survey (April 2021)

We implement insect surveys for the OKEON Churamori Project. These surveys typically collect insects using SLAM traps, tent-like structures used for trapping insects, and time-unit sampling. Although SLAM traps can be used to collect a wide variety of insects over a long period of time, they require much labor in terms of cost, management, and sample processing. In contrast, the time-unit sampling method targets only ants, but it has advantage that a variety of people, from high school students to researchers, can conduct the surveys efficiently and flexibly. We often use this sampling method not only for the Environmental Science Section program, but also for joint research with high schools in Okinawa Prefecture and for surveys of exotic ants with the government. As the data quality from time-unit sampling depends on the skill of the collector, Section Leader Yoshimura conducted field training to improve the skill level of the staff. We expect that the results of this survey will be used to help clarify the current status and trends of ants in Okinawa.