[Seminar] "How Time Makes Mind: An Expanded Bergsonian Framework for Consciousness Research" by Prof. Yasushi Hirai

Friday, February 16, 2018 - 14:00 to 15:00
C016, Lab1
Prof. Yasushi Hirai, Fukuoka University
How Time Makes Mind: An Expanded Bergsonian Framework for Consciousness Research
Henri Bergson’s core idea is that our beings, when taken as living systems interacting with their environment, show a complex temporal structure, and various phenomenal aspects of the conscious mind, including qualia, imagination, memory, etc. can be explained as its dynamical effect. However, the reality and efficacy of the temporal dimension of things has been consistently overlooked by an epistemological/ontological bias he called the ‘spatialization’ of time. In this talk, I would like to share the possible merits of a Bergsonian framework for consciousness study.
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