12/17 (Sat) Power outage


Saturday, December 17, 2016 - 08:00


Please be notified there will be a power outage on Dec 17th, due to a scheduled legal inspection. Please see the details below.

<Power Outage>

Date: 12/17 (Sat) 8001100 (3 hours):

Affected areas: Tunnel Gallery & Main elevator

      ※ The main entrance and main elevators will be shut down during this time

    12/17 (Sat) 8001200 (4 hours):

Affected areas: Conference Center, CDC, Elevator of parking structure

      ※ Please turn off electrical devices such as personal computers before this period.

      ※ No impact in Kitchen & Toilets use (Usable).

      ※ Elevators will also be stopped during the inspection, so please use the stairs.

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

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