This category designates events managed by the Workshop and Conference Section of the Division of Communication and Public Relations, so it includes Workshops, Courses, and Symposia.
“QuickFix”- improve your application materials in an interactive and a time-efficient manner!
To register CLICK HERE
Post-event survey SUMMARY
“QuickFix”- learn how to use LinkedIn in an interactive and a time-efficient manner!
To register CLICK HERE
Post-event survey SUMMARY
In this webinar, we will discuss the strategy and tactics of career planning during a crisis, the foundation of which is you being resourceful, and as helpful as you can.
Everyone is welcome! Click HERE to register.
Post-workshop survey SUMMARY.
ロサンゼルス在住のリーダーシップ・コーチ 内藤明日香による60分に渡るこのグループコーチング・セッションでは、10名までの少人数設定のグループで受けるコーチング構成となっている。
LA在住のリーダーシップ・コーチ 内藤明日香による90分に渡るこのワークシップでは、セルフリーダーシップのスキルアップに必要な4つのマインドセットの理解とすぐに使えるストレスマネジメントのテクニックを学ぶことができる。
【CANCELED】The 5th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Living Systems Design Research will be held at Seaside House on March 12-13, 2020.
These two 2-hrs webinar series aim to give attendees the necessary skills to successfully compete for grant funding. After the workshop, attendees will be able to identify relevant research questions, find the appropriate grants, and write impressive grant applications to help secure funding for their research.
A registration link will be provided.
"Effective Visual Communication of Science" will teach you how to effectively communicate your own scientific ideas and results by applying best visual communication practices. As a bonus, you will be able to give and receive feedback on your own figures.
Click HERE to register.
Past-event survey SUMMARY.
During this short course, you will use design thinking framework to develop a constructive and effective approach to designing your career. With a bias toward action, you will tackle life "wicked" problems, acquire tools to prototype 3 different careers that fit your skills, values, and passion.
CLICK HERE to register. Space is limited to 12 participants.
Due to the current situation with the novel coronavirus COVID-19, the organizers have decided to postpone this workshop. We kindly ask for your understanding.