Vires Acquirit Eundo: The University of Tokyo - OIST Graduate University Joint Symposium


Friday, December 12, 2014 (All day) to Saturday, December 13, 2014 (All day)


Seminar Room C209, Center Bldg.


Vires Acquirit Eundo
"We gather strength as we move"
The University of Tokyo - OIST Graduate University Joint Symposium

(進むにつれて力を獲得していく: 東京大学ーOIST 共同シンポジウム)

12th - 13th December, C209, OIST

In the spirit of the recently signed MOU between the University of Tokyo and OIST Graduate University we will hold a small meeting between PIs from both institutions in order to get to know each other better and explore possible opportunities for collaboration and joint funding in a setting with low barriers.


VAE Website

* Further details to be updated



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