SAM: How to cope with corona virus


2020年4月10日 (金) 16:00


Zoom meeting


This will be the second monthly Student Assembly Meeting (SAM) with the Student Council of 2020. Please visit for a full list of members including Non-Executive Officers. The meeting will be conducted through Zoom according to the schedule below. The primary topic for this SAM will be COVID-19. We hope all interested students, special research students, and interns will attend to share their opinions and insight.


To the Zoom meeting link:

Click here!

The ideal schedule is as follows:

Speaker Content
Otis Summary of the current situation, especially in regards to examinations and extensions
Otis Introduction of initiatives including educational videos
Ankur UV sterilization
Sebastien Hand sanitizing gel
Sahar Quarantine support network
Otis Communicating during social distancing
Assembly Open forum


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