Regular After-School Program


After School Program aims to give children choices wherever possible. When students arrive in the SAP room after school has ended, their first stop is the homework room. They show a teacher their homework and either complete it right away or tell the teacher when they plan to do their homework.

After children have finished their homework, they move on to other activities. Children can choose to read books, play with legos or magnet blocks, play a variety of board or card games together, or do craft activities. Children are encouraged to do the activities that they find most engaging and cooperate with each other.

Outside play time is a big part of After School curriculum and children are encouraged to engage in structured and unstructured activities to improve their strength and coordination and enhance their ability to play respectfully in mixed-age groups.

Children are encouraged to participate in club activities and even start their own clubs. For current club offerings, please see the clubs tab.

Parents are welcome to visit when their children are present.

SAP encourages parents to leave with their children as soon as they have finished work and before 18:30 to avoid late fines.





16:00 Snack


Indoor Free Play


Outdoor Play




Extended Free Play (Indoor/Outdoor)



Begin Clean up

18:30 Program Finished