Workshop Logistics - Bursary for Invited Speakers

Welcome to Workshop "Recent Trends in Microrheology and Microfluidics"

We are delighted to welcome you to our workshop in January 10-12, 2023. One of the main objectives of OIST Graduate University is to bring together excellent scientists from around the world and to provide a venue for the exchange of innovative ideas. It is our pleasure to offer you our support for your stay in Okinawa.

Please complete the form below so that we have the information necessary to arrange your travel and accommodation.

Deadline: November 15, 5pm (JST)

If you need to have the deadline extended for some reason, please do not hesitate to contact or we will assume that you do not accept this invitation.

Workshop Logistics Webform


General Information
Travel Support

You are asked to arrive Monday, January 9, the day before the workshop starts, and depart on Friday, January 13, the day after the workshop ends.

If you have a schedule conflict that coincides with these dates, please indicate in "NOTE" at the bottom.

Travel Bursary and Insurance Details

Domestic travelers with travel bursary support will purchase air tickets by themselves, and then OIST will reimburse them for the actual expenses of a round-trip economy-class ticket.

Please Note: OIST cannot offer a travel insurance for travelers, who are provided only with a domestic flight within Japan. You are kindly requested to contact their local travel agency etc. for further details on travel insurance.

International travelers with travel bursary support will purchase air tickets by themselves, and then OIST will reimburse them the smaller of the following:

  1. A preset amount determined by OIST based on the geographic area from which the traveler is coming.
  2. The actual cost of the inbound flight, defined as the traveler's round-trip ticket.

Please Note: International travel insurance is provided for your flights, but the International Travel Insurance is provided only for your travel to OIST. Any stay exceeding the duration of travel covered by OIST cannot be covered by the travel insurance.

Reimbursement Requirements

To receive the reimbursement, please submit the following documents at the workshop venue upon arrival:

  • All original purchase receipts with date of issue and your travel itinerary
  • All original used boarding passes from all incoming flights from home airport to Okinawa
  • We may ask you to provide scanned boarding passes from Okinawa to your next destination (when you depart)
  • Filled out remittance information form (the form will be sent to you via email)
Flight Information
From which airport will you be traveling?
Arrival in Okinawa
Departure from Okinawa
Visa Information
*If you need Japanese visa, please let us know which embassy or consular office you will go for the application
Your Travel to OIST

We shall arrange transportation between Naha Airport and the workshop venue at OIST. You will receive detailed information regarding your transportation approximately two weeks prior to the start of the workshop.

Accommodation and Meals

Lodging is provided by OIST for the duration of the workshop. Check-in is one day prior to the start and check-out is one day after the end of the workshop. We will also provide for all meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner) during your stay for the workshop due to the limited availability of vendors near the accommodation.

Dietary Requirements
Extra Information
Itinerary Changes

Unless the workshop organizer requests changes in itineraries, you shall be responsible for fees resulting from any change or cancellation of their flight and accommodation made after our travel agent or OIST has confirmed the booking. Any change or cancellation of the itinerary is not permitted without prior approval from the workshop organizer. In cases of emergency, the reimbursement of cancellation fees is possible; however please make sure to contact the organizer before making any changes or cancellations.

Liability Disclaimer

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) and the workshop organizers disclaim any liability for death, injury, any loss, cost or expense suffered by any person (including accompanying persons or partners or attendant caregivers), if such loss is caused or results from the act, default or omission of any person other than an employee or agent of OIST or the organizers. In particular, neither OIST nor the organizers can accept any liability for losses arising from the provision or non-provision of services provided by hotel companies or transport operators. OIST and the organizers disclaim liability for losses suffered by reason of war including threat of war, riots and civil strife, terrorist activity, natural disasters, weather, fire, flood, drought, technical, mechanical or electrical breakdown within any premises visited by tutors/participants and/or partners in connection with the workshop, and losses suffered by reason of industrial disputes, governmental action, registrations or technical problems that may affect the services provided in connection with the workshop. OIST and the organizers are not able to give any warranty that any particular person will appear as a speaker or presenter. Finally, in case of any breach of the above stated Guidelines Regarding Travel Expenses for Tutors and Participants at OIST Workshops, the costs for the visit to OIST might be charged to the visitors.

If there is anything you need to inform us in advance, please let us know.