Duc-Khanh Nguyen

A generalization of the Murnaghan-Nakayama rule for K-k-Schur and k-Schur functions. International Mathematics Research Notices, rnad175 (2023). arXiv journal
A Murnaghan-Nakayama rule for Grothendieck polynomials of Grassmannian type (with H. Dang, S. Tran, T. Do). Annals of Combinatorics (2023). arXiv journal
Newton polytope of good symmetric polynomials (with G. Nguyen, H. Dang, T. Do). Comptes Rendus Mathématique, volume 361 (2023), 767-775. arXiv journal
On the shifted Littlewood-Richardson coefficients and Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. Annals of Combinatorics 26 (2022), 221–260. arXiv journal
Longest paths related to Steenrod length of real projective spaces, submitted, 2021. arXiv
Branching problem on winding subalgebras of affine Kac-Moody algebras A^(1)_1 and A^(2)_2, submitted, 2019. arXiv