[Public Talk] Quantum Computers: How fantastic will they really be?


Saturday, July 9, 2022 - 14:00 to 16:00


Okinawa City Public Entertainments Mansion Hall, Cultural Center Floor 4


Public Lecture: Quantum Computers: How fantastic will they really be?

by Professor Jingbo Wang
University of Western Australia

Saturday, July 9 14:00-16:00
Okinawa City Public Entertainments Mansion Hall,
Cultural Center Floor 4 904-0031
2-19-6 Uechi Okinawa City

Google Pin for location

This fun and informative public lecture (English and Japanese), will give some insights to the public and high-school students, the potential wonderous power of a Quantum Computer - what it might be capable of and what it might not be capable of. There is a massive international race to build useful Quantum Computers involving multinational corporations, national research laboratories and many startup companies. So why all the excitment? What can these new types of computers do? Whenever one buys a new PC it is not really that much powerful than the older one...so how much faster will these Quantum Computers be and what problems can they solve?

This talk is aimed particularly at high-school students and the public - we encourage groups and participants from industry to attend and join the Question and Answer session with Prof Wang (interpreter provided).

We will have a live demonstration of a working Quantum Computer!

English and Japanese Posters:






































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