Special Lecture - "Particles for a Better World" by Dr. GP Yeh


Friday, December 6, 2019 - 15:00 to 16:00


Center Building C209


In those singular moments when you look up at the night sky in a remote part of the world and marvel at the sheer number of stars, and in those ordinary afternoons when you sit in your kitchen snacking on a crisp apple—quarks, leptons, and force-carriers are shaping your entire human experience. These are the most fundamental particles in our universe, the building blocks for all atoms, light, and everything else that is known to exist. The branch of science that examines these particles—particle physics—helps us to better understand and appreciate our extraordinary universe, while the technologies and studies that developed alongside this field led to numerous other scientific achievements. These include the creation of super computers, proton therapy for targeted cancer treatment, and sustainable energy production. In his lecture, Dr. GP Yeh will present some of the invaluable findings of particle physics and help us to appreciate the many benefits they provide to our society, leading to a better world.

Born in Taiwan, Dr. Yeh received his education from CKS International High School in Okinawa, Caltech, and MIT. He worked at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory as a high energy physicist for 30 years and is an American Physical Society Fellow as well as an Okinawa Goodwill Ambassador. As a special advisor to Japan’s Minister of Science and Technology Policy, Dr. Yeh worked to help establish OIST and now serves as a member of the OIST Foundation Advisory Board. He is also the president and chairman of the GP Yeh Foundation, which collaborates with governments, institutions, organizations, and companies around the world to promote particle therapies and sustainable energies.

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