FY2022 Annual Report

Physics and Biology Unit 
Professor Jonathan Miller

From cephalopod camouflage and covid pandemiology to human cognition, natural language processing, and genome evolution, the mission of the Physics and Biology unit is to enable data to find its own voice through analytical, numerical, and machine-learning methods.

1. Staff

  • Dr. Shotaro Funai, Staff Scientist (-Oct., 2022)
  • Dr. Lucia Zifcakova, Postdoctoral Scholar 
  • Dr. Reuven Pnini, Technician
  • Dr. Zdenek Lajbner, Technician
  • Mr. John Parker, Technician
  • Dr. Giovanni Masucci (- Aug., 2022)
  • Dr. Mustafa Sami (Jul., 2022 -)
  • Dr. Mehmet Arif Zoral (Dec., 2022 -)
  • Ms. Mayu Suzuki, Research Unit Administrator (- Jul., 2022)
  • Ms. Yoko Fujtiomi, Research Unit Administrator (Aug., 2022 -)

2. Collaborations

2.1 Marine ecosystems and organisms under anthropogenic pressure

  • Type of collaboration: Joint research
  • Researchers:
    • Professor James Davis Reimer, University of the Ryukyus
    • Dr. Giovanni Diego Masucci, OIST

2.2 Compositional GC% heterogeneity of invertebrate and vertebrate genomes

  • Type of collaboration: Joint research
  • Researchers:
    • Dr. Radka Symonová, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
    • Dr. Lucia Zifcakova, OIST, Dr. Zdenek Lajbner, OIST

In the first paper born out of this collaboration, we describe a hidden compositional GC% heterogeneity of two fish species chromosomes from publicly available genomes. In the paper number 4. in Publications section, we introduce new bioinformatic tool Evan, which simulates GC-banding technique used in classic cytogentics and uses a flexible sliding window to create a figures on soft-masked genomes. These figures, as the figure above, show portions of genome that has been soft-masked (red dots) versus unmasked (green dots) represented as genomic positions of dots on x axis and GC% content on the y axis. This is helpful in detecting GC% fluctuations that would be undetected by standard GC-banding method in classical karyotyping. Further, we plan to apply this method to available cephalopod genomes, which are known to be unsuccessfully karyotyped by GC-banding method.

3. Activities and findings

3.1 Medicinal plants: are they safe enough for fish health?

Contributor: Mehmet Arif Zoral

The antipathogenic, immunomodulatory, and other beneficial properties of medicinal plants have made them a potentially ideal alternative to chemotherapeutic treatments for fish health. Therefore, medicinal plants as alternative therapeutics in fish have been regarded by many studies as healthy and safe because plants are “natural” and thus considered harmless. However, some toxicology studies raise concerns for these medicinal plants’ safety and implications for application on fish. These studies reveal that the plant application may lead to some potential health risks on fish. The aim of this review is to briefly summarize and discuss the adverse effects of medicinal plants on fish health.

3.2 A high-resolution flux-matrix model describes the spread of diseases in a spatial network and the effect of mitigation strategies.

Contributors: Guillaume Le Treut, Greg Huber, Mason Kamb, Kyle Kawagoe, Aaron McGeever, Jonathan Miller, Reuven Pnini, Boris Veytsman, David Yllanes 

Propagation of an epidemic across a spatial network of communities is described by a variant of the SIR model accompanied by an intercommunity infectivity matrix. This matrix is estimated from fluxes between communities, obtained from cell-phone tracking data recorded in the USA between March 2020 and February 2021. We apply this model to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic by fitting just one global parameter representing the frequency of interaction between individuals. We find that the predicted infections agree reasonably well with the reported cases. We clearly see the effect of “shelter-in-place” policies introduced at the onset of the pandemic. Interestingly, a model with uniform transmission rates produces similar results, suggesting that the epidemic transmission was deeply influenced by air travel. We then study the effect of alternative mitigation policies, in particular restricting long-range travel. We find that this policy is successful in decreasing the epidemic size and slowing down the spread, but less effective than the shelter-in-place policy. This policy can result in a pulled wave of infections. We express its velocity and characterize the shape of the traveling front as a function of the epidemiological parameters. Finally, we discuss a policy of selectively constraining travel based on an edge-betweenness criterion.

4. Publications

4.1 Journals

  1. Tamar Gutnick, Andreas Neef, Andrii Cherninskyi, Fabienne Ziadi-Künzli, Anna Di Cosmo, Hans-Peter Lipp, and Michael J. Kuba, "Recording electrical activity from the brain of behaving octopus", Current Biology, February 23, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2023.02.006
  2. G. LeTreut, G. Huber, M. Kamb, K. Kawagoe, A. McGeever, J. Miller, R. Pnini,B. Veytsman, and D. Yllanes., "A high-resolution flux-matrix model describes the spread of diseases in a spatial", Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, page 15946,  24 September 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-19931-w
  3. Mehmet Arif Zoral, "Medicinal plants: are they safe enough for fish health?", Aquaculture International (2022), Nov. 19, 2022 review manuscript. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10499-022-01015-1
  4. Vohnoutová, Marta, Lucia Zifčáková, and Radka Symonová. 2023. "Hidden Compositional Heterogeneity of Fish Chromosomes in the Era of Polished Genome Assemblies" Fishes 8, no. 4: 185. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/fishes8040185

4.2 Oral and Poster Presentations

  1. Lucia Zifcakova, CIAC2022, April 4-8 in Sesimbra, Portugal, online
  2. Lucia Zifcakova, ISME18, August 14-19, 2022. Location. Lausanne, Switzerland.
  3. Lucia Zifcakova, the 7th Okinawa Marine Science Workshop, November 25, 2022, University of the Ryukyus
  4. Lucia Zifcakova,  BBCC2022, December13-15, 2022, online
  5. LAJBNER, Zdeněk; NAKAJIMA, Ryuta; ASADA, Keishu; MASUCCI, Giovanni D.; IGLESIAS, Teresa L.; MILLER Jonathan. (2022) Culturing of oval squids (Sepioteuthis sp.) In: 7th Okinawa Marine Science Workshop at the University of Ryukyus, Nishihara, 2022/11/25
  6. NAKAJIMA, Ryuta; LAJBNER, Zdeněk; KUBA, Michael J.; GUTNICK, Tamar; IGLESIAS, Teresa L.; ASADA, Keishu; NISHIBAYASHI, Takahiro; MILLER Jonathan. (2022) Squid adjust their body color according to substrate. In: CIAC2022, Sesimbra, 2022, p. 7.
  7. ASADA, Keishu D.; KIM, Chanyoung; LAJBNER, Zdeněk; IGLESIAS Teresa L.; REITER Samuel. (2022) Raising small intertidal octopus Octopus incella Kaneko & Kubodera, 2007 from egg to maturity. In: CIAC2022, Sesimbra, 2022, p. 201.
  8. LAJBNER, Zdeněk; NAKAJIMA, Ryuta; IGLESIAS, Teresa L.; GUTNICK, Tamar; MASUCCI, Giovanni D.; ASADA, Keishu; NISHIBAYASHI, Takahiro; KIM, Chanyoung; MILLER, Jonathan, KUBA, Michael J. (2022) Culturing of oval squids (Sepioteuthis sp.). In: CIAC2022, Sesimbra, 2022, p. 202.
  9. Lucia Zifcakova, Tohoku University – OIST 3rd Joint Workshop on Biodiversity: From Genes and Species to Ecosystem Services and Resilience, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, October 24-26, 2022

5. Meetings and Events

  1. [Seminar] "Homomorphic Encryption for Securing & Gleaning Knowledge from Data Sets" by Dr. Mei Kobayashi, Eaglys, September 8, 2022
  2. [Seminar] "Breaking the rules: Alterations of gametogenic pathways in hybrid “asexual” vertebrates." by Dr. Dmitrij Dedukh, Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, CAS CZ, Libechov, Czech Republic, October 14, 2022
  3. [Seminar] "Introduction to Network Analysis and Applications" by Dr. Mei Kobayashi, Eaglys, October 25, 2022

6. Computer programs -software

  1. Reuven Pnini, Kinetic MC simulation of exact DNA match statistics https://github.com/oist/kMc
  2. Reuven Pnini, RMT tools for level statistics of epidemiology model, https://github.com/oist/Epidemiology-flux-RMT-model.
  3. Reuven Pinini, Matlab package for patent search using the doc2cpc representation https://github.com/oist/docCPC.

7. Outreach

  1. Zdenek Lajbner, Lucia Zifcakova, Researcher Appreciation Month (RAM) 2022 lab tour, October 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, & 24, 2022
  2. Lajbner Zdenek “From fish to cephalopods”, in 'Life Science - Current Status and Perspectives: Reciprocal Interactions between Environments and Organisms', Keio University, Kanagawa, 2022/04/27
  3. Zdenek Lajbner, Lucia Zifcakova, John Parker, Mustafa Sami "Oval squids as model animals", Czech  Days Okinawa 2022, Ryukyu Glass Village, Itoman, 2022/11/12-13
  4. Lajbner Zdenek "Oval squids as model animals", in European Research Days Japan 2022, EURAXESS Japan, Tokyo, 2022/10/19

[Media Coverage: Domestic]

examples: NHKOTV

- Squid aquaculture

22-Nov-2022 03:00PM NHK ラジオ  きょうのニュースぷらす アオリイカの養殖
16-Nov-2022 01:00PM @DIME 漁獲量が最盛期の10分の1まで減少。世界初のイカの養殖システムは困窮する食糧事情を救うか
16-Nov-2022 01:00PM 京都新聞 イカ世界初の10世代飼育 (共同)
12-Nov-2022 01:00PM NHK 不可能と言われた“イカの養殖”に光が差す!?
10-Nov-2022 01:00PM 岩手日報 イカ養殖、商業化へ一歩 (共同)
6-Nov-2022 01:00PM 中国新聞 イカ養殖、商業化へ一歩 (共同)
5-Nov-2022 01:00PM 中部経済新聞 イカ養殖、商業化へ一歩 (共同)
4-Nov-2022 01:00PM 熊本日日新聞 イカ、養殖事業化目指す (共同)
31-Oct-2022 01:00PM 静岡新聞 イカ激減 養殖の活路 (共同)
31-Oct-2022 01:00PM 信濃毎日新聞 イカ養殖 商業化へ一歩 (共同)
29-Oct-2022 01:00PM 北海道新聞 不漁のイカ養殖に光明 (共同)
29-Oct-2022 01:00PM 河北新報 不漁のイカ養殖商業化へ (共同)
27-Oct-2022 01:00PM 東京新聞 イカ養殖、商業化へ一歩 (共同)
27-Oct-2022 01:00PM 産経新聞 アオリイカ養殖に世界初成功 海水かけ流し方式を採用
14-Oct-2022 01:00PM 軽井沢FM放送 軽井沢ラジオ大学
13-Oct-2022 01:00PM Yahoo!ニュース Japan 世界初「イカの養殖システム」開発 海の環境保全も期待 沖縄科学技術大学院大学【沖縄発】
13-Oct-2022 01:00PM 信濃毎日新聞 イカ養殖、商業化へ一歩 (共同)
07-Oct-2022 01:00PM 沖縄テレビ 世界初の“イカの養殖システム”をOISTが開発 SDGsに繋がる海の環境保全にも期待
01-Oct-2022 01:00PM RKBラジオ 摂津正のつりごはん
29-Sep-2022 09:36PM Tokyo FM ONE MORNING - イカの養殖技術確立のニュース
22-Sep-2022 06:00PM 沖縄テレビ  食糧不足の解消 OISTが世界初「イカの養殖システム」を開発!
14-Sep-2022 06:00PM BSよしもと ワシんとこニュース
13-Sep-2022 04:41AM NHKオンライン イカの安定的な養殖に成功 商業化目指す 沖縄科学技術大学院大      
13-Sep-2022 10:25AM NHK WORLD English Researchers in Japan see hope in method to breed hard-to-farm squid
13-Sep-2022 10:25AM NHK 沖縄 おきなわHOT eye イカの安定的な養殖に成功
06-Sep-2022 09:00PM Note イカの養殖に世界初成功
03-Sep-2022 06:00AM 産経ニュース イカの養殖に世界初成功 「温泉の仕組み」活用
02-Sep-2022 03:55AM 化学工業日報 大学の技術で水産資源復活を
18-Aug-2022 10:00AM TBS Radio  安住紳一郎の日曜天国 
14-Aug-2022 02:00AM 日本経済新聞 沖縄科技大、イカの商業養殖へ前進
13-Aug-2022 11:00AM Tsurinews 「アオリイカ」の画期的な養殖技術が開発 イカ養殖が難しいワケとは?
12-Aug-2022 06:00AM 宮古新報 OISTがアオリイカ養殖に成功 世界初、漁業振興に期待
09-Aug-2022 06:00AM TBS   THE TIME - 世界初 アオリイカの養殖に成功
09-Aug-2022 06:00AM フジテレビ めざましテレビ - 世界初 食用イカ 養殖システム
09-Aug-2022 06:00PM Fishing Japan 世界初!沖縄の大学院大学が商業化可能なイカの養殖システムの開発に成功
08-Aug-2022 12:10PM YUIME Japan 世界初 イカ養殖技術開発 OISTの研究チーム
08-Aug-2022 12:10PM Yahoo!ニュース Japan 世界初 イカ養殖技術開発 OISTの研究チーム
08-Aug-2022 12:10PM 沖縄テレビ/FNN.jp 世界初 イカ養殖技術開発 OISTの研究チーム
05-Aug-2022 12:40AM 朝日新聞DIGITAL 安く効率的なイカ養殖を世界で初めて開発 沖縄の大学院大学
05-Aug-2022 12:40AM 水産経済新聞 10世代のイカ養殖成功、生育環境を一元管理
04-Aug-2022 12:04PM アンドラ イカの養殖システムの開発に成功 l 沖縄科学技術大学院大学
04-Aug-2022 12:04PM みなと新聞 初のイカ養殖技術開発
04-Aug-2022 12:04PM 沖縄タイムス 安く効率的にイカ養殖 画期的な技術とは? 沖縄の大学院大学、世界で初めて開発
04-Aug-2022 10:09AM ABC WEBNEWS 【世界初】アオリイカ養殖システムの開発に成功沖縄の大学研究チーム
04-Aug-2022 10:09AM 名古屋テレビ放送(NBN) 【世界初】アオリイカ養殖システムの開発に成功 沖縄の大学研究チーム
04-Aug-2022 10:08AM 広島ホームテレビ 【世界初】アオリイカ養殖システムの開発に成功 沖縄の大学研究チーム
04-Aug-2022 10:08AM Yahoo!ニュース Japan 【世界初】アオリイカ養殖システムの開発に成功 沖縄の大学研究チーム
04-Aug-2022 10:08AM テレ朝news 【世界初】アオリイカ養殖システムの開発に成功 沖縄の大学研究チーム
03-Aug-2022 10:08AM 琉球新報 世界初、イカ養殖 OISTチーム成功、資源減少の中、活用に光
03-Aug-2022 10:08AM HUB沖縄 世界初!ツツイカの養殖システム開発に成功 OISTが商業化へ一歩


- Squid camouflage

4-Apr-2022 04:00PM SPUTNIK 日本 ツツイカが周囲に合わせてカモフラージュする様子 日本の研究者らが初めて確認
5-Apr-2022 04:00PM エピネシス ツツイカも色を変えて擬態することができる、掃除中に偶然発見――沖縄科学技術大学院大学
12-Apr-2022 04:00PM Yahoo!ニュース Japan アオリイカに擬態能力 OISTチーム 学術誌に研究成果 周囲に合わせ体色を変化
12-Apr-2022 05:28AM 沖縄タイムス アオリイカに擬態能力 OISTチーム 学術誌に研究成果 周囲に合わせ体色を変化
12-Apr-2022 07:49AM 47NEWS アオリイカに擬態能力 OISTチーム 学術誌に研究成果 周囲に合わせ体色を変化
14-Apr-2022 08:32PM Yahoo!ニュース Japan アオリイカが背景に合わせて体の色を変える様子を捉えた珍しい映像
14-Apr-2022 08:33PM GIZMODO Japan アオリイカが背景に合わせて体の色を変える様子を捉えた珍しい映像
14-Apr-2022 08:33PM ナゾロジー ツツイカの「カモフラージュ能力」が水槽の掃除中に偶然発見される!
15-Apr-2022 03:16PM Hub Okinawa 沖縄でおなじみ“シロイカ”が瞬時に体色変化 OISTが初記録
20-Apr-2022 03:09PM MONEY TIMES ツツイカの「カモフラージュ能力」が水槽の掃除中に偶然発見される!


[Media Coverage: International]

example: CNN 

- Squid aquaculture

Date Source Headline
11-Nov-2022 8:00AM Kult Plave Kamenice Japanci kažu da su otkrili revolucionarnu metodu koja omogućuje uzgoj lignji. Uzbuna među ekolozima
10-Nov-2022 8:00AM dissapore Giappone: elaborato un metodo per allevare i calamari, ma gli animalisti insorgono
5-Nov-2022 8:00AM iDNES.cz Japonci vylepšili chov olihní, pomohl jim český výzkumník. Ekologové jsou proti
4-Nov-2022 8:00AM TODO SOBRE Japón logra un gran avance en la cría de calamares mientras la captura salvaje cae en picado | Japón
4-Nov-2022 8:00AM The Guadian Japan makes squid farming breakthrough as wild catches plummet
26-Oct-2022 10:36PM JAPAN Forward New and Inventive Squid Farming Method Could Save Declining Population
25-Aug-2022 10:36PM Seafoodsource.com Okinawa research team breeds 10 generations of captive squid
15-Aug-2022 11:29PM Seafood News A Science and Technology Institute in Okinawa Developed a Squid Farming System
11-Aug-2022 11:00AM Faro de Vigo Y tras el pulpo... el calamar acuícola
11-Aug-2022 11:00AM Faro de Vigo E tras o polbo... a lura acuícola
08-Aug-2022 04:06PM Baird Maritime Okinawa science institute develops new squid aquaculture system
04-Aug-2022 02:45AM Hatchery Feed & Management Japanese researchers develop squid farming system
03-Aug-2022 05:06PM The Fish Site Japanese researchers secure squid farming breakthrough
03-Aug-2022 12:00AM newsexplorer.net Researchers design the cheapest and most efficient squid aquaculture system to date
02-Aug-2022 09:55PM Scienmag Science Magazine Researchers design the cheapest and most efficient squid aquaculture system to date
02-Aug-2022 09:48PM Bioengineer.org Researchers design the cheapest and most efficient squid aquaculture system to date

- Squid camouflage

Date Source Headline
06-Apr-2022 11:11PM CanalTech [Vídeo] Lulas podem mudar de cor para se adaptar ao ambiente; veja momento exato
07-Apr-2022 02:11AM Yahoo Finanças (BR) [Vídeo] Lulas podem mudar de cor para se adaptar ao ambiente; veja momento exato
24-Apr-2022 05:35PM Focus.it Abbiamo le prove: il calamaro cambia colore per mimetizzarsi
12-Apr-2022 07:15AM SciTechDaily Amazing Video Captures Squid Using Color-Matching Camouflage for the First Time
05-Apr-2022 11:09PM Techregister UK Amazing video shows how squid change colour to camouflage themselves from predators
05-Apr-2022 11:09PM Big City Radio Amazing video shows how squid change colour to camouflage themselves from predators
17-Apr-2022 11:10PM ZAP - Aeiou As lulas também conseguem camuflar-se
08-Apr-2022 09:15PM Nature World News Camouflaging Squid Caught on Cam in Japan, First Time to be Observed in Lab
07-Apr-2022 07:29AM Technology Networks Cephalopod Genomes Are As “Wonderfully Weird” As the Animals Are
07-Apr-2022 07:29AM List 23 Cephalopod Genomes Are As Beautifully Weird As the Animals Are
07-Apr-2022 07:29AM Ziare.com Descoperire în premieră mondială ce uluiește: Creatura din adâncuri care își schimbă culoarea intenționat VIDEO
10-Apr-2022 06:59AM Islalocal El video muestra por primera vez la inesperada habilidad de camuflaje del calamar
08-Apr-2022 06:42PM Origo Először láttak kalmárt, amint változtatja a bőrszínét
07-Apr-2022 11:19AM Nachrichten Welt Erstmals aufgezeichneter Tintenfisch ändert seine Farbe nach der Umgebung
09-Apr-2022 01:00PM Good Word News Find out why color-changing squid could aid in the development of invisibility cloaks
07-Apr-2022 08:27PM ARCHYDE For the first time, amazing footage shows a squid changing its color to hide itself from predators!
14-Apr-2022 04:00PM The Optimist Daily For the first time, scientists have recorded squids’ camouflage abilities
06-Apr-2022 02:29AM Nachrichten Welt Forscher entdeckten zufällig, dass Tintenfische ihre Farbe ändern können
16-Apr-2022 12:30PM NEWTRAL Graban por primera vez a unos calamares que cambian de color para camuflarse
16-Apr-2022 12:30PM MSN - Noticias Graban por primera vez a unos calamares que cambian de color para camuflarse
06-Apr-2022 02:14AM Agenzia Giornalistica Italia I calamari cambiano colore per mimetizzarsi con l'ambiente
07-Apr-2022 11:00PM VN Express Lần đầu ghi hình mực ống đổi màu theo môi trường
06-Apr-2022 06:37PM Everyeye.it Per la prima volta in assoluto è stato scoperto un super potere dei calamari
07-Apr-2022 09:30PM Indozone Pertama dalam Sejarah, Cumi-Cumi Ternyata Juga Mampu Berubah-ubah Warna seperti Bunglon
07-Apr-2022 09:30PM RCTI+ Pertama dalam Sejarah, Cumi-Cumi Ternyata Juga Mampu Berubah-ubah Warna seperti Bunglon
07-Apr-2022 10:00AM Grid.ID Pertama Kalinya, Cumi-Cumi Terekam Berubah Warna Mengikuti Lingkungan
07-Apr-2022 11:16AM Noti-Ultimas Primer cambio de color de calamar registrado después del entorno
07-Apr-2022 04:10PM ARCHYDE Rare videos show captive squid changing color to hide in plain sight
07-Apr-2022 04:57AM Gizmodo Rare Videos Show Captive Squid Changing Color to Hide in Plain Sight
07-Apr-2022 04:57AM Gizmodo Australia Rare Videos Show Captive Squid Changing Colour to Hide in Plain Sight
06-Apr-2022 02:26AM The Inertia Researchers Accidentally Discovered That Squids Can Change Colors
07-Apr-2022 10:04AM Nachrichten Welt Seltenes Video zeigt gefangenen Tintenfisch, der seine Farbe ändert, um sich in normaler Sicht zu verstecken
12-Apr-2022 07:17AM NuevoPeriodico Sorprendente video captura a un calamar usando camuflaje de combinación de colores por primera vez
12-Apr-2022 07:17AM NewsR Squid and octopus genome studies reveal how cephalopods' unique traits evolved
05-Apr-2022 11:55PM IFL Science Squid Filmed Changing Color To Blend Into Surroundings For The First Time
06-Apr-2022 11:04PM Earth.com Squid have unexpected camouflage ability
15-Apr-2022 01:54AM ECO Magazine Squid Recorded Color-Matching Substrate for the First Time
06-Apr-2022 02:45AM Newswise Squid recorded color-matching substrate for the first time
06-Apr-2022 08:12PM News9 Live Squid recorded to be camouflaging with their surroundings for the first time
05-Apr-2022 11:55PM Noti-Ultimas Squid registró la coincidencia de color de un sustrato por primera vez
05-Apr-2022 04:12PM lab-worldwide Squids Can Camouflage to Avoid Predators
10-Apr-2022 12:30PM ThePrint Squids can change colour to evade predators & scientists have spotted the farthest galaxy yet
10-Apr-2022 12:30PM MSN India Squids can change colour to evade predators & scientists have spotted the farthest galaxy yet
07-Apr-2022 04:40AM ZME Science Blog Squids seen changing skin color to camouflage against substrate for the first time
10-Apr-2022 07:14PM RCTI+ Tak Cuma Bunglon, Cumi-cumi Bisa Mengubah Warna Tubuhnya di Kamera untuk Pertama Kali
10-Apr-2022 07:14PM Indozone Tak Cuma Bunglon, Cumi-cumi Bisa Mengubah Warna Tubuhnya di Kamera untuk Pertama Kali
11-Apr-2022 05:51PM TVN 24 Te kałamarnice potrafią zmieniać kolor w zależności od czystości zbiornika. Widać to na nagraniu
12-Apr-2022 01:00AM Popular Science This glittery squid can change color in an instant
17-Apr-2022 10:00PM Descopera.ro Un calamar a fost filmat, în premieră, în timp ce își schimbă culoarea pentru a se camufla
06-Apr-2022 12:51PM Klikbulukumba Video menakjubkan menunjukkan cumi-cumi berubah warna untuk menyamarkan diri dari pemangsa
07-Apr-2022 01:22AM Revista Planeta Vídeo registra pela 1ª vez lula mudando de cor para se misturar ao ambiente
07-Apr-2022 01:18AM MSN Brasil Vídeo registra pela 1ª vez lula mudando de cor para se misturar ao ambiente
05-Apr-2022 10:58PM MSN Australia Video shows how squid change colour to camouflage from predators
10-Apr-2022 03:00AM MSN Australia Video Shows Off a Squid's Unexpected Camouflage Skill For The First Time
09-Apr-2022 10:59PM ScienceAlert Video Shows Off a Squid's Unexpected Camouflage Skill For The First Time
13-Apr-2022 05:51AM Earth Touch News Network WATCH: Squid's incredible colour-changing camouflage revealed for the first time
08-Apr-2022 11:21AM Indiatimes.com Watch: Squids Seen Changing Their Body Colour On Camera For The First Time
08-Apr-2022 04:51PM MSN India Watch: Squids Seen Changing Their Body Colour On Camera For The First Time
08-Apr-2022 04:51PM SciTechDaily Wonderfully Weird Creatures: Squid and Octopus Genomes Reveal How Cephalopods’ Unique Traits Evolved
05-Apr-2022 08:58PM Daily Mail (eClips Web) You've got to be squidding me! Amazing video shows squid changing COLOUR to camouflage itself from predators for the first time - just like octopuses
05-Apr-2022 10:58PM Mail On Sunday You've got to be squidding me! Amazing video shows squid changing COLOUR to camouflage itself from predators for the first time - just like octopuses
09-Apr-2022 03:57PM Asianet News - Tamil ഓന്തുകൾ മാത്രമല്ല, കൂന്തളും നിറം മാറും, പുതിയ വെളിപ്പെടുത്തലുമായി  ഗവേഷകർ
08-Apr-2022 10:03AM CNN See why color-changing squid could help with development of invisibility cloaks


- Top 100 Earth, Environment and Ecology 2022
Ryuta Nakajima, Zdenek Lajbner, Michael J. Kuba, Tamar Gutnick, Teresa, L. Igresias, Keishu Asada, Takahiro Nishibayashi and Jonathan Miller, "Squid adjust their body color according to substrate" Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 5227 (2022):
OIST's Highlights of 2022
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    - Five Hits in the Media