Online Event
Registration Deadline:
In the past few decades protein engineering allowed to create artificial enzymes with great potential in medicine, biotechnology and other fields. In this symposium we will particularly focus on the study and engineering of proteins but also look at their evolution, namely the history of these proteins paving the way to unravel their mechanism. Different aspects of proteins will be discussed from a structural, biochemical, biophysical and bioinformatics prospective. The symposium will cover a broad range of expertise to allow a deep understanding of the mechanism and function of proteins but also on how to engineer and design them for new purposes. Overall, the main aim of this symposium will be to develop a strong network among the participants where especially young researchers can benefit.

Shelly Copley
University of Colorado

Janine Copp
The University of British Columbia (Canada)

Nobuyasu Koga
Institute for Molecular Science (Japan)

Ruchi Anand
Department of Chemistry, IIT Bombay (India)

Sergio Peisajovich
Illumina (USA)

Colin Jackson
The Australian National University (Australia)

Tomoaki Matsuura
Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)

Klara Hlouchova
Charles University
(Czech Republic)

Birte Hoecker
The University of Bayreuth (Germany)

Vikram Alva
Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology (Germany)
For queries about the mini-symposium, contact directly the organizer, Mika Uehara at
To apply, please use the Application webform.
The Zoom link will be distributed by mail to the registered participants three days before the event.