Seminar & Demo: Confocal based Super Resolution Imaging System by Olympus
Wednesday, July 15, 2015 (All day) to Friday, July 17, 2015 (All day)
Seminar: B503,Lab1 / Demonstration:B507,Lab1
Customer-friendly Super Resolution Microscope.
Olympus developed the super resolution microscope “SD-OSR” for live cell imaging.
You can find interest area in a specimen because it is possible to process & display the superresolution
image immediately during an image acquisition.
The SD-OSR has wavelength selectability about fluorescence dyes, so you don’t have to prepare
special dyes for the super resolution microscopy.
The SD-OSR with 100x silicone immersion objective lens can allow you to observe an intracellular
structure or tissues 100um in depth.
Please try to use the SD-OSR with your specimen and feel new confocal resolution.
You can find interest area in a specimen because it is possible to process & display the superresolution
image immediately during an image acquisition.
The SD-OSR has wavelength selectability about fluorescence dyes, so you don’t have to prepare
special dyes for the super resolution microscopy.
The SD-OSR with 100x silicone immersion objective lens can allow you to observe an intracellular
structure or tissues 100um in depth.
Please try to use the SD-OSR with your specimen and feel new confocal resolution.
Seminar: Date: July 16th(Thu), 2015
Time: 10:30-11:00
Venue: B503, Lab1
Demonstration: Date: July15th(Wed)-July 17th(Fri), 2015
Time: 10:30-17:00
Venue: B507, Lab1
We are looking forward to seeing you during this demonstration.
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