''Printable solar cells'' by Prof. Shuzi Hayase, Kyutech


Thursday, April 23, 2015 - 10:00 to 11:00


Meeting Room C016, Lab1


Date:   Thursday, April 23, 2015
Time:   10:00-11:00
Venue:  C016, Lab1
Prof. Shuzi Hayase
Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering
Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyusyu, Japan
Printable solar cells
My talk covers research on printable solar cells including perovskite solar cells and dye-sensitized solar cells. We focus on IR sensitive perovskite photo-electric conversion systems, Pb free perovskite solar cells, charge injection interface architectures from the view point of surface passivation, trap distribution study using thermally stimulated current, carrier dynamic collaboration study, flexible perovskite solar cells, and so on.  In addition, cylinder dye-sensitized solar cells without transparent conductive oxide layer (back contact DSSC) will be reported.
1978:   Graduated from Osaka University (Major: Polymer Chemistry)
1983:   Received Ph.D. from Osaka University (Stereo-selective polymerization catalysts)
Professional Experience:
1978:  Joined Toshiba corporation, Research and Development Center (Latent catalysts for ring opening polymerization (epoxy compounds), LSI lithography, Opto and electronic    polymers)
1988-1990:  Joined a polysilane research group in Wisconsin University (Robert. West) (P-type conductive polymer-Polysilanes-)
1990-2000:  Returned to Toshiba corporation, Research and Development Center (Application of polysilanes to LSI, materials for solar cells and fuel cells)   
2001-present:  Professor of Kyushu Institute of Technology (Solar cells, Organic FET, Fuel cells, Emission devices)
2009-present:  Supervisor, PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), “Photoenergy conversion systems and materials for the next generation solar cells“ project
2012-present:  Dean of Graduate school of life science and systems engineering, Kyushu Institute of Tehcnology.
1996:  Award for Technological Development by the Japan Electrical Manufacturers’Association
1992:  The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Technological Development:Awarded for distinguished contributions in technological development in chemical industry
1987:  National Commendation for Invention by Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation
Prof. Yabing Qi


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