OIST-CNRS Joint Symposium on West Pacific Marine Biology - Program
*This program may still be updated.
*A printable file is attached at the bottom of this page.
■ First day: April 23 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9:00 Introduction by OIST President and CNRS INSB Directeur.
9:30 Official opening of the IRL lab
10:10 Hugues ROEST-CROLLIUS (Ecole Normale Superieure, France)
Title: ATLASea: reference genomes of marine biodiversity along the French coastline, focus on New Caledonia in the South Pacific.
10:50 Coffee break
11:10 Arnaud GUERBET (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Title: Synthesizing Cnidarian performance:
An integrative trait-based approach for cross-taxa comparisons in functional ecology.
11:30 Nicholas YAP (National University Singapore)
Title: Getting to know our blobs: uncovering the identity, biology and ecology of sea anemones
and jellyfish from Singapore
11:50 Alexia DUBUC (James Cook University, Australia)
Title: “Understanding hypoxia in coastal ecosystems and its consequences on fish: insights from natural and impacted habitats”.
12:10 Lana MINIER (CRIOBE, French Polynesia)
Title: Impact of noise pollution on coral reefs: from the soundscape to the individual.
12:30 Lunch time
Including poster presentations and campus tour(optional)
14:00 NEO Mei Lin (National University Singapore) *zoom
Title: Supporting Marine Science Research Through Sustainable Mariculture.
14:40 Sen-Lin TANG (Academia Sinica,Taiwan)
Title: Unveiling the mysteries of coral-bacterial interactions: A quest for empirical evidence.
15:20 Yong-Jin WON (Ewha Womans University, South Korea)
Title: Evolution and invasion of mud-tidal gastropod, Batillaria attramentaria, in changing environments
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Sumio UDAGAWA (Ochanomizu University, Japan)
Title: An attempt to reveal the developmental mechanisms underlying the determination of pentameric body axis in echinoderms
16:50 Eric KOCH (Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls, France)
Title: Establishing Sepiola affinis as a model for beneficial host-microbe associations.
17:10 Boongho CHO (Inha University)
Title: Evolution of exoskeleton characteristics in deep-sea hydrothermal vent crustaceans.
17:30 3 Flash talks selected from posters. 10min each.
18:00 End of day 1
■ Second day: April 24 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9:00 Kate QUIGLEY (The University of Western Australia)
Title: Breeding and Selecting Corals Resilient to Global Warming
9:40 Timothy RAVASI (OIST, Japan)
Title: Adaptation and Acclimation of Coral Reef Fish as a Response to Climate Change.
10:20 Coffee break
10:40 Stefano VIANELLO (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Title: Thyroid hormones trigger stomach development and differentiation during clownfish metamorphosis
11:00 Takumi T SHITO (Keio University)
Title: Evaluation system of ascidian eggs transparency and comparative analysis for
deciphering the mechanism of organismal transparency
11:20 Yuuki SHIKAYA (Institut de la mer de Villefranche, France)
Title: Synchronisation of rhythmic contraction in primary polyps of Clytia hemisphaerica..
11:40 Yutaka SATOU (Kyoto University, Japan)
Title: Ascidian embryonic cells suggesting a shared evolutionary origin of neural crest and neuromesodermal cells
12:20 Lunch time
Including poster presentations and campus tour(optional)
14:00 David LECCHINI (CRIOBE, French Polynesia)
Title: Understanding marine biodiversity, its fragility and resilience: Example of Bora-Bora
14:40 Shinya SHIKINA (National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan)
Title: Factors involved in the asexual reproduction in the stony coral, Galaxea astreata.
15:20 Rebecca CASE (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore):
Title to be indicated.
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Sirius Ng (National University Singapore)
Title: Mermaid Monographs: Dugongs in Southeast Asia.
16:50 Adam DOWNIE (University of Queensland, Australia)
Title: physiological changes under-pinning metamorphosis in coral reef fishes.
17:10 4 Flash talks selected from posters.
17:50 End of day 2
■ Third day: April 25 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9:00 Fanny HOULBREQUE (IRD, New Caledonia)
Title: Nutrition as a boost for corals to resist to marine heat waves
9:40 ★ Special guest
James REIMER: A snapshow of Okinawa marine biodiversity.
10:20 Coffee break
10:40 Lucie Cartairad (Marepolis, French Polynesia)
Title: Environmental DNA as a survey tool of coral reef fish biodiversity.
11:00 Jae Gon PARK (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, South Korea)
Title: Toxic effects of the wastewater produced by underwater hull cleaning equipment on the copepod Tigriopus japonicus
11:20 Stephanie BERTRAND (Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls, France)
Title: Amphioxus mesoderm development and the emergence of the vertebrate head
12:00 Lunch time
Including poster presentations and campus tour(optional)
14:00 Mikiko TANAKA (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Title: Evolution of developmental process across the fin-to-limb transition.
14:40 Andrew CHIN (James Cook University, Australia)
Title: Sharks in the Asia-Pacific: moving from old narratives to new-tech opportunities.
15:20 Sung-Jin HWANG (Woosuk University, South Korea)
Title: The Past, Present, and Future of Coral Research in Korea
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Filip HUSNIK (OIST, Japan)
Title: Exploring Marine Microbial Symbioses with Advanced Imaging and AI Tools.
17:10 4 Flash talks from OIST young investigators in marine science
17:50 End of day 3
18:30 Banquet
■ April 26: Visit of the Chauraumi Aquarium to have participants exposed to the Okinawa Marine Biodiversity