

To apply for the workshop, please fill in the form below.

Partial funding support for flights may be provided to those who need it.

Once you have clicked on the submit button, please wait until you are redirected to the submission acknowledgment page. You should also get an email confirming that the submission has been successful within an hour.

Applicants are selected as the applications come in.  We only have limited capacity for the number of participants.  Therefore, we encourage you to apply as soon as possible before we reach the full capacity.  Applications are accepted until 1st January, 2023 (JST).

Financial Support

Participants are encouraged to try to support their travel costs to Okinawa themselves, or through their research grant at their home institute.

Flights: We will offer a number of travel bursaries to partially cover the cost of a round trip to Okinawa. Participants will book their own tickets and get reimbursed. Stop-overs are allowed. Please only apply for this funding if you do not have other means of funding covering the cost of your flight.

Accommodation: We only have a limited number of hotel rooms we can provide and financially support. Please let us know whether you need the financial support for the accommodation (OIST will arrange the booking) by selecting YES above. If you have your own means to financially support your stay during the workshop at OIST, please let us know by selecting NO above.

Please describe why you want to attend this workshop in a paragraph or so.
Please submit your Curriculum Vitae in PDF format. Please do not include security-sensitive information.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
Enter the characters shown in the image.