Past Events

Silver workshop VI

2023-08-07 to 2023-08-09

This 6th workshop is a continuation of the previous workshop in a series. This workshop discuss the modularity and duality, geometric group, cohomological theory, singularity theory, and knot theory. All talks on the black board are expected. The online participation of Zoom will be possible by the registration in advance.

Silver Workshop V: Complex Geometry and related topics

2022-11-09 to 2022-11-11

"Silver Workshop V: Complex Geometry and related topics" Workshop
2022. Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: Invited

Superconductivity, magnetism and nematicity in thin films of Fe chalcogenides


Speaker;Atsutaka Maeda Department of Basic Science , University of Tokyo


Silver workshop 2022 “Complex geometry and related topics”

2022-01-11 to 2022-01-12
Hybrid of on-site & on-line (zoom) conference. For the security of Covid-19, on-site attendants are restricted only to the invited talkers.


  • Organizers: Noriko Yui (Queen’s University at Kingston), Kyoji Saito (RIMS), Shinobu Hikami (OIST)

Seminar "Bounce Configuration from Gradient Flow" by Yutaro Shoji


Yutaro Shoji, Assistant Professor, KMI (Nagoya University)

Seminar "Study of highly entangled quantum spin chains" by Fumihiko Sugino


Dr. Fumihiko Sugino, Institute for Basic Science, South Korea

RIKEN-OIST mini Workshop 2019: Mathematical Condensed Matter Physics

2019-07-05 to 2019-07-06
B250, Center Building, OIST Campus

This is a mini workshop on mathematical approach to condensed matter physics organized by OIST and RIKEN iTHEMS. The main purpose of this workshop is to promote interactions among researchers from condensed matter physics and high-energy physics and to afford a good opportunity for them to start new collaborations. Eveyone is welcome to join.

Seminar "Subaru weak lensing Survey of Dark Matter Subhalos in nearby clusters of galaxies" by Prof. Toshifumi Futamase

C016, Lab1

Prof. Toshifumi Futamase, Department of Astropysics and Atmospheric Science, Kyoto Sangyo University

Seminar "Topology from chaos: quantum Hall physics, Haldane conjecture and beyond" by Chushun Tian (CAS, Beijing)


Seminar by Chushun Tian, Professor at Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All is welcome.
