Software Week2018: EndNote


Wednesday, May 30, 2018 - 10:00 to 12:00


Center Bldg, Level B, B250


Overview of EndNote
Date: May 30th, 2018 *9:30-10:30 Japanese
                                      *10:45-11:45 English
Room: Center Bldg, Level B, B250
Presenter: EndNote

※A EndNote installed laptop is required.

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About EndNote(10 min.)

・How EndNote Can Help Your Research

EndNote X8 Demonstration (40 min.)

1.Import References from PubMed, PDFs

2.Making Reference List on MS Word

3. Managing References(Attatch Files, Creating Groups)

4.About Automatic PDF Download Function


Q & As

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One-on-One walk-in Session
Date: May 30th, 2018 13:00-16:30
Room: Library's Office

All-OIST Category: 

Intra-Group Category

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