[Seminar] Design and Functionalization of Supramolecular Assemblies, Liquid Crystals, and Macromolecules


Tuesday, June 6, 2017 - 11:00 to 12:00


C209, Level C, Centre Building


Design and Functionalization of Supramolecular Assemblies, Liquid Crystals, and Macromolecules

Dr. Takashi Kato
Professor of Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology,
School of engineering,
Tokyo University

We have been developing new self-organized functional materials. A variety of nanostructured molecular materials exhibiting photo, ionic, electronic, and environmental functions have been developed. These materials form ordered self-assembled structures and they are applied for mechanochromic luminescent materials, ion transport materials for batteries and solar cells, and membranes for water treatment. Molecular design and control of self-organized nanostructures play key roles to obtain highly functional materials.

Self-organization processes are also seen in the formations of biominerals in nature. Inspired by these processes, we have developed new organic/inorganic hybrid materials. The morphologies and properties of these materials are tuned by interactions between inorganic substances and organic macromolecular templates.

T. Kato et al. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 45, 38 (2006)
T. Kato et al. Nat. Rev. Mater. 2, 17001 (2017)
Y. Sagara and T. Kato et al. Nature Chem. 1, 605 (2009).
T. Kato et al. MRS Bulletin, 35, 127 (2010)

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