"Experimental Studies on Multiphase Flow for Improved Engineering Systems" Prof. Shuichiro Miwa


Friday, August 12, 2016 - 14:00 to 15:00


@D015 (Lab1, Level D)


Date:   August 12, 2016 (Fri)
Time:   2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Venue:  D015 (Lab1, Level D)
Speaker:  Prof. Shuichiro Miwa
 (Division of Energy and Environmental Systems,
                       Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University)

Title:  Experimental Studies on Multiphase Flow for Improved Engineering Systems

Multiphase flow is a commonly seen flow phenomenon in various engineering disciplines. Range of its applications in today’s technology is immense. Advanced nuclear reactor concepts rely on the removal of high heat flux through boiling, and accurate modeling on multiphase flow is crucial for the reliable safety code development. For chemical engineering discipline, optimization of chemical processes including aeration and catalysis require the knowledge of gas-liquid interface conditions. For the power production facilities, efficient production of steam is essential to drive steam turbine generators. Therefore, need for a better understanding of the multiphase flow phenomenon is crucial for improved engineering systems. In this presentation, several experimental studies on multiphase flow that are currently ongoing at the Laboratory of Nuclear System Safety at Hokkaido University will be presented. The talk is divided into two parts: (1) fundamental multiphase flow and (2) nuclear safety applications. For the first part, results from the two-phase flow induced vibration (FIV) experiments and the modeling strategy using two-fluid model and interfacial area concentration correlation will be discussed. Then, a novel approach to objectively classify two-phase flow regime by coupling dynamic force signals and artificial neural network will be presented. In addition, experimental results on the air entrainment due to jet impingement will be briefly introduced. For the second part, experimental and modeling work on steam injector and its possibility for a passive coolant injection application will be presented.



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